Suffice to say, the news media plays an integral role in society. Whether people what to admit it or not, they are influenced/ manipulated by the media. That is why the journalist should be allowed to do their job without interference from an outside force. Also it is the job of the press to hold the people in power to account and to ask difficult questions and to push back when politicians out right lie.
Now in Trumps America, any news organisation that tries to do their job is "fake news". He wants the media just to sit back and tell him how great he is. And anyone that tries to ask him a proper question, he will just refuse to answer the question and just ban them from press conferences altogether.
It's not just across the pond but here as well. If anyone is paying attention to Theresa, she never actually answers the difficult and important questions. When she come across a question she doesn't particularly likes, she just re phrases the question in a form of an answer- just like in America!
This is a dangerous trend because how will the public ever truly know what the Government is doing in their name. And the people will lose out the most because they will only be told what the Government wants them to know and they will be oblivious to what they are actually doing. This is also how the "powers that be" can manipulate the masses into voting for things that will only benefit the rich while screwing the general public.
The news media is meant to be a tool to get to the truth, not a shovel to cover it up.
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