Thursday, 26 January 2017

A closed West?

We are overly smug here in the West, we think we have Democracy and we are so civil compared to the rest of the world, but are we really??

Steps of a Closing Society

1. Invoke an internal and external threat- Muslims, migrants, take your pick!

2. Secret prisons where torture takes place.

3. Develop Paramilitary Force- Have you seen the Police at a peaceful march??

4. Surveil ordinary citizens- The Snoopers Charter, anyone?!

5. Infiltrate citizens group

6. Detain and release ordinary citizens

7. Target key individuals

8. Restrict the press- Which is done by giving them no information or talking about nothing like TM

9. Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason

10. Subvert the rule of law- Or just leave and make up new ones that benefit you and screw the people.

Are we really that progressive?

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