Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Stop the corporate take over..

... Or what most people are familiar with; the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

Don't let all the politicians and media fool you, this is just another way the corporations can screw you over. The mere fact that there has been no meaningful debate about it's implications and that there is so much secrecy around should be setting of alarm bells! If it is so beneficial to us then why are we not allowed to know anything about it before they sign it and condemn us all to a life of pure unadulterated slavery..

The only people this will benefit are the corporations and the politicians.The corporation will be able to do what they want to improve their profit margins and the politicians will get their cut. This "free trade" deal will bring US working practice over here and open the floodgates for GMO and wide spread fracking- is that what you want?

Does the idea of working multiple jobs for slave wages, becoming intolerant to more and more foods and having your water contaminated because the fracking business wont bother shelling out some cash to make sure their well are safe, then you deserve everything that's about to happen to you, to everyone else I urge you to read more about this and do what you can to try and stop it from being our reality.

The majority of people are protesting against this because they know how damaging it is to the people and the environment, but the Government refuses to acknowledge this because I forget, this is not a democracy and if Cameron signs it today in Brussels than they can't even pretend that the country is a democracy.

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