Sunday, 26 July 2015


..... It works best when people are unaware of it, and people here are choosing to be unaware of its power over them. Just a little nudge can make a seemingly rational person, commit the most destructive acts, and this can only happen because people have let the seeds of influence and suggestion fester in their minds until it takes control of their actions.

In most situation the tools of influence are used to make you do seemingly benign things, like buy a certain product that you don't really need but everyone is telling you that you can't live without. Even this kind of influences and manipulations that everyone is bombarded with through the multitude forms of advertising, can be damaging. If people are on a limited budget to begin with and they spend what money they having buying all these product or playing on- line gambling they can find themselves under a mountain of debt and living dangerously close to the poverty line, which in turn could lead them to crime.

You see, you may think you don't need to worry about it, but the smallest actions can have devastating consequences. The first thing you should do, is to acknowledge that these tools of influences and manipulation are everywhere from "obvious" tools of manipulation like advertising to less obvious and more insidious forms of manipulation like the mainstream news or even the TV shows you watch and newspapers you read.

What I'm trying to do is to shine a light on these practices and urging you all to think before you act. Just because the mainstream news is telling you about certain people want to blow things up and introduce shariah law doesn't mean your neighbor wants to, just because they happen to look alike! 

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