Tuesday, 28 July 2015

The " Wasted" Society

 Can you really drink all your troubles away, and would you want to? British people have become synonymous with drunk and disorderly behaviour, and that's not even the saddest part, the saddest part that they are actually proud of this label.  They have become brainwashed into believing that this is an optimal standard of behaviour, and mostly because that is what popular media has led them to believe that in order to enjoy yourself you have to be shit face!

And if anyone disagrees with that mindset, they want to bring in Shariah Law or they are anti social and not integrating..I personally have nothing against drinking, God knows everyone is miserable and they all need a vice in order to deal with it ( I have chocolate), all I'm saying is that binge drinking is something to be ashamed off.

People want to forget and ignore that they are miserable and that they are living in an ever increasing depressing society, but once they sober up, they'll be left feeling sick and probably even more cash strapped then they were before... but this country will always be depressing.

But most English people continue behaving like this even when they are in a beautiful country and that is something that need to change quickly, or do you want the whole world to think that all English people are disgusting drunks with no self respect. I tell you this now, this is not something to be proud of and while you're getting piss drunk, the Government's getting bus dismantling the NHS,but hey, liver disease and other alcohol related illnesses are tomorrows problem. Immigrant are not the ones we should worry that might cause a burden on the state, it's English people and the Government has done its best to foster this behavior, because when your all out on the town, they'll do their best to make sure you don't have much of a town left after all these cut! #AUSTERITY/ROBBERYWHAT;STHE DIFFERENCE?

Sunday, 26 July 2015


..... It works best when people are unaware of it, and people here are choosing to be unaware of its power over them. Just a little nudge can make a seemingly rational person, commit the most destructive acts, and this can only happen because people have let the seeds of influence and suggestion fester in their minds until it takes control of their actions.

In most situation the tools of influence are used to make you do seemingly benign things, like buy a certain product that you don't really need but everyone is telling you that you can't live without. Even this kind of influences and manipulations that everyone is bombarded with through the multitude forms of advertising, can be damaging. If people are on a limited budget to begin with and they spend what money they having buying all these product or playing on- line gambling they can find themselves under a mountain of debt and living dangerously close to the poverty line, which in turn could lead them to crime.

You see, you may think you don't need to worry about it, but the smallest actions can have devastating consequences. The first thing you should do, is to acknowledge that these tools of influences and manipulation are everywhere from "obvious" tools of manipulation like advertising to less obvious and more insidious forms of manipulation like the mainstream news or even the TV shows you watch and newspapers you read.

What I'm trying to do is to shine a light on these practices and urging you all to think before you act. Just because the mainstream news is telling you about certain people want to blow things up and introduce shariah law doesn't mean your neighbor wants to, just because they happen to look alike! 

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Stop this or...

.... Be prepared for the time when profit trumps the sanctity of life.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Learn to..

... Question more and read beyond the headline. Fear is constantly used by politicians, they say be afraid or "they will get you" and when people are afraid they often do things that they will regret later. Like this whole culture of racially profiling certain groups, what people don't seem to get is that by doing this they are saying it is permissible o discriminate- then when does the discrimination stop?

Just take the time to really think about it.

The REAL threat to humanity

Yet no one dare say it out loud or in depth.
Climate change and the Banksters, both man  made disasters and no one wants to talk about them. I wonder why, could it be that if anyone decides they need to be addressed, that person will be silenced.

Institutionalized racism

It is human nature to fear what you don't understand, but if we are to progress as a society, we have to make an effort to try and understand, otherwise how are we different from dogs that are constantly barking at people they don't recognise?

Racism is a primitive reaction to something different, I thought we were more evolved than that, I guess not. Every form of News media and entertainment media is all about pushing this idea that people that are brown, have a beard and don't drink alcohol are a threat, for Gods sake, the most popular TV ( apparently!) show Homeland is about eliminating the Muslim terrorist.

This word terrorist doesn't exactly tell the whole story. Many so called terrorist would consider themselves as freedom fighters, people who are simply defending what they hold dear. These people consider the white man that is coming into their home destroying everything as the terrorist, not as liberators, as they like to call themselves.

But back to my original point, it has become acceptable to lump certain people into certain boxes, just take a look across the pond, it has become normal for a black person to be asked to show ID and that's if they're lucky, usually they'll just get shot or put into a choke-hold until they stop breathing.  What scares me the most is that we are fast becoming that kind of society.

Shows like Homeland and 24 don't ever show the other side, after you have blown up someone village what happens to the civilians that live there? Or what happens to all the people you torture in 24- don't they start to see you as a terrorist. These are just a couple of examples on our TV screens that glamourise and even endorse racial profiling. These are just forms of entertainment and shouldn't be taken as a piece of fact, however, when you are constantly bombarding people with these images, truth and fiction starts to blur and it doesn't help that we have a news media that is constantly fostering these fears.

Has anyone actually stopped and truly looked and listened to the mainstream media, it sounds less like news and more like propaganda.The essence of propaganda is convey the message that everything we do is "just and noble" while they are "barbaric and evil". No one will ever take any responsibility for their role in perpetuating this lie, but if anyone took their heads out of their asses they would see that it starts from the top.

David Cameron's speech about "tackling extremism" is just the tip of the racsist iceberg in this country. His speech is littered with language that is designed to promote fear and hatred and he target Islam. By singling out one group he is just making the situation harder, and the fact that he believe that the British foreign policy is not to be blame, just goes to show how delusional he is. Ever since the West has declared this so called " war on terrorism" has just made the world a much more dangerous place and the people at the top refuse to acknowledge this, so tell me, how are things going to improve?

This phoney war on terror has done its part to create these radical, and the teenager who went to Syria probably spent their whole lives listening to the media pump out all this nonsense, so what do you expect will happen. People should remember that there is a history before 2001, but according to everyone, this is when extremism began- Give me a break!

Cameron's speech is going to marginalize society even further and create greater distrust among the public and might even have the negative effect of encouraging more violence.

But the one thing that made me laugh hysterically, was the fact that David thinks this is a democracy!
( you spying bastards can bugger off!)

Thursday, 16 July 2015


Journalism is supposed to be about informing the public about what is happening locally and globally and they should make an effort to show both sides of a story so that the public can be truly informed and not manipulated into taking the views of the establishment against their own moral compass.

Also journalist should be protected and not intimidated or threatened like they are today. Good investigative journalist are hard to find. In today's world with 24 hour news coverage, news stations are more concerned with " hooking" the viewers in that they forget to do any proper reporting, instead you get a multitude of soundbites and when they do talk about a serious issue they provide mere "lip service".

News organizations are more interested in being entertaining that informative, and there is a simple reason for this- MONEY. At the end of the day they are a business and business is only interested in the bottom line, which is about ever increasing profits for them and the shareholders, and it has become apparent that entertainment sells more that information.

But the people have spoken, they want more information and that is why they turn to networks like Al Jazeera and RT and the internet. The latter is growing increasingly under threat as the Government wants to get more control over it, in the guise of protecting us from harm they are actually trying to keep us blind. The UK Government has shown how undemocratic they are by trying to clamp down on dissent and making it harder and harder to protest or go on strike. But first they are trying to use the media to manipulate the masses into believing that going on strike or protesting against how unjust things are becoming is a bad thing. And the way they do this is by changing the narrative, instead of talking about why they have become so unhappy that they feel that going on strike is their only option, the  news media will focus on what it is costing you and how inconvenient it is to the public.

Once they get the people to side against their own interest the Government can continue going on about how they are " promoting democracy". Give me a break!!  Having dissenters, people who question and disagree with the illegal practices is the only way to have a true democracy, and the Government is trying to shut us up, what doe that tell you?? And not only are they going after the people, they have also gone after our " alternative news" by taking The Daily Show with Jon Stewart off UK television. How petty is the UK Government?!!!

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Stop the corporate take over..

... Or what most people are familiar with; the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

Don't let all the politicians and media fool you, this is just another way the corporations can screw you over. The mere fact that there has been no meaningful debate about it's implications and that there is so much secrecy around should be setting of alarm bells! If it is so beneficial to us then why are we not allowed to know anything about it before they sign it and condemn us all to a life of pure unadulterated slavery..

The only people this will benefit are the corporations and the politicians.The corporation will be able to do what they want to improve their profit margins and the politicians will get their cut. This "free trade" deal will bring US working practice over here and open the floodgates for GMO and wide spread fracking- is that what you want?

Does the idea of working multiple jobs for slave wages, becoming intolerant to more and more foods and having your water contaminated because the fracking business wont bother shelling out some cash to make sure their well are safe, then you deserve everything that's about to happen to you, to everyone else I urge you to read more about this and do what you can to try and stop it from being our reality.

The majority of people are protesting against this because they know how damaging it is to the people and the environment, but the Government refuses to acknowledge this because I forget, this is not a democracy and if Cameron signs it today in Brussels than they can't even pretend that the country is a democracy.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

The BS that is....

... Balancing the books

So many people are unaware of what the above actually means, it's just a way of cutting anything that doesn't make a profit, so the entire public sector.

The Government uses terminology like this so that the people don't realise that it is actually having a negative affect on their living standards, the people have actually started to accept that this is the way it should be. I have always believed that if you spend your entire life working you should also get to reap the rewards such as: a functional health service, a good educational sector, good infrastructure such as roads and affordable public transport and have a comfortable pension to enjoy in retirement.

The Government make it sound like a business, yet they are not dealing with a few
hundred employees, what they are doing affect the entire country and real people are being left on the street as a result of their budget cuts. They don't understand that a country will always run a deficit because you are dealing  with the lives of millions of people- these are the people that ELECTED you into power to try and help them, but all this Tory Government is doing is screwing us over by eviscerating the welfare state.

People on Job seekers Allowance or Disability Allowance are the people who are going to be hurt the most, yet they are not the welfare scroungers that the Right Wing media would have you believe, that honour goes to the banksters and corporations that get tax breaks, Government subsidies and bail out paid by the TAXPAYER.

Osborne has said that they are going to raise the living wage to £9 per hour by 2020, but what he doesn't tell you is that by then inflation would have blown up by then and what sounded like a huge raise will be the bare minimum. Also, I don't know about anyone else, but you wouldn't be able to live (with any dignity at least!) on £9 per hour, and it will be an herculean task if you've got dependents!

So in the end, the public is getting screwed while the banksters and corporations are being allowed to screw us again by cherry picking what gets cut to serve THEIR  bottom line.

And who have been scapegoated for all our ills... the immigrants of course! I urge everyone to read beyond the sensationalist headlines and learn to question more.