It is human nature to fear what you don't understand, but if we are to progress as a society, we have to make an effort to
try and understand, otherwise how are we different from dogs that are constantly barking at people they don't recognise?
Racism is a primitive reaction to something different, I thought we were more evolved than that, I guess not. Every form of News media and entertainment media is all about pushing this idea that people that are brown, have a beard and don't drink alcohol are a threat, for Gods sake, the most popular TV ( apparently!) show
Homeland is about eliminating the Muslim terrorist.
This word terrorist doesn't exactly tell the whole story. Many so called terrorist would consider themselves as
freedom fighters, people who are simply defending what they hold dear. These people consider the white man that is coming into their home destroying everything as the terrorist, not as liberators, as they like to call themselves.
But back to my original point, it has become acceptable to lump certain people into certain boxes, just take a look across the pond, it has become normal for a black person to be asked to show ID and that's if they're lucky, usually they'll just get shot or put into a choke-hold until they stop breathing.
What scares me the most is that we are fast becoming that kind of society.
Shows like Homeland and 24 don't ever show the other side, after you have blown up someone village what happens to the civilians that live there? Or what happens to all the people you torture in 24- don't they start to see you as a terrorist. These are just a couple of examples on our TV screens that glamourise and even endorse racial profiling. These are just forms of entertainment and shouldn't be taken as a piece of fact, however, when you are constantly bombarding people with these images, truth and fiction starts to blur and it doesn't help that we have a news media that is constantly fostering these fears.

Has anyone actually stopped and truly looked and listened to the mainstream media, it sounds less like news and more like propaganda.The essence of propaganda is convey the message that everything we do is "just and noble" while they are "barbaric and evil". No one will ever take any responsibility for their role in perpetuating this lie, but if anyone took their heads out of their asses they would see that it starts from the top.

David Cameron's speech about "tackling extremism" is just the tip of the racsist iceberg in this country. His speech is littered with language that is designed to promote fear and hatred and he target Islam. By singling out one group he is just making the situation harder, and the fact that he believe that the British foreign policy is not to be blame, just goes to show how delusional he is. Ever since the West has declared this so called " war on terrorism" has just made the world a much more dangerous place and the people at the top refuse to acknowledge this, so tell me, how are things going to improve?
This phoney war on terror has done its part to create these radical, and the teenager who went to Syria probably spent their whole lives listening to the media pump out all this nonsense, so what do you expect will happen. People should remember that there is a history before 2001, but according to everyone, this is when extremism began- Give me a break!
Cameron's speech is going to marginalize society even further and create greater distrust among the public and might even have the negative effect of encouraging more violence.
But the one thing that made me laugh hysterically, was the fact that David thinks this is a democracy!
( you spying bastards can bugger off!)