Monday, 3 November 2014

Frack You Cameron!

The Prime Minister of the UK is such an ass it laughable, he thinks by getting out of the EU and isolating us is what's good for the people. That is all complete BS! He just doesn't want to abide by the laws of the European courts, laws that cover basic human rights, so he is not doing this for the people, he is doing this so that he can screw the people and not be called into account for his abuses!

The common person will not think of this, they will believe leaving is good because all the immigrants will get kicked out and as  a random women said on BBC "News" she thinks that it is the fault of the immigrant that she has a long waiting time when it comes to the NHS, someone should tell her the reason she has to wait a long time to be seen by a doctor is not the fault of the immigrant but the small fact that your FRACKING Government has slashed funding to everything in the public sector.

All this hatred towards immigrants just shows how racists this country really is, they hate anything that is slightly different to them and that is also why this country will never progress in anyway, because they refuse to evolve and learn. Do they not realise that half the football and Olympic team are full of people whose parent's were migrants??  Maybe that should tell you something, immigration has helped this country in a lot of ways for example many of the nurses and carers are from Eastern Europe, these are people who look after the most vulnerable in society because you are either too lazy or arrogant to do so.

The flip-side to this is that all those people who are living their " twilight" years in Spain or The south of France will be boomeranged back here, and how is an already crumbling NHS going to deal with an influx in elderly people?

People already complain that it's so expensive to travel, how are you all going to deal with having to pay for a visa every time you want to go clubbing in Spain or Greece? There will no longer be a thing as a "cheap flight" anymore and what about all the food we import from Europe, be prepared for you shopping bill to be triple what it used to be.

So to end if you want anything of quality be prepared to pay an arm and a leg!

By the way David, if you leave the EU  be prepared to say goodbye to all those giant corporations that are "helping" you stay at 10  Downing Street and have probably contributed to all you plush houses and help fund all your other propaganda campaigns!

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