Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Eyes closed, mouth shut..

Almost everyone in this country is guilty of this. People are always  going on about how we have freedom unlike countries like North Korea and China, but are we really? We are constantly under surveillance, GCHQ is calling people who want privacy terrorist and are right to say and do what we want is being diminished as a result. People in those countries know they are not free unlike here where they pretend you are free, the only freedom we have here is the freedom to starve to death or the freedom to get into more debt.

This government is eroding all of our freedoms and you know what is really aggravating?? We're letting them, instead of blaming the people responsible we're to busy blaming each other and the poor migrants are getting the brunt of the abuse.

What is even more disturbing I have found about certain people, is the casual response to the spying scandal. People are brainwashed into believing that it's not a big deal that stranger know everything about us when in fact it is a major sign of a closing society and a move towards Fascism. Just the idea that you may be  under surveillance is enough to restrict your freedom to move or even talk about certain things and theses agencies are saying they are doing it to keep us safe- safe from what?? Why would our government want to keep us in a constant state of fear? The answer is rather simple, they know people tend to do what they want if you say you'll keep them safe, even if in all actuality your just turning them into slaves- because people are stupid when they're afraid.
 All this spying did nothing to protect us from the banksters that raped the entire country. GCHQ/ NSA just keeping pushing this idea that we are under constant threat, so that they have a greater excuse to restrict us, they have even gone after all the internet companies calling them aides to terrorist just because they want to protect our privacy.

The future that we all feared in all the 80's sci fi movies are here already...

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