Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The selfish society...

….. Is it really something to aspire to? Does it make you a happier person? The answer to both these questions is “no”, yet countries like the US and UK have foster a climate based on what’s good for the individual since the days of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and are either of these countries look like they are doing well? And I answer… NO! How is it even remotely good for an individual to think pure about themselves? How would a society even function? And is it a society that people what to be part of?

Yet the supposed civilized countries are trying to push this kind of thinking onto everyone. Are we really going to listen to these people that have put profit over a person’s health, education, their ability to get from one place to another and even the welfare system, a system that is supposed to help the most vulnerable people in the society? Do we really want to be a world where it is normal to let people die just because they can’t pay the bill?

 Neoliberalism has ruined the west, the financial crisis of 08 didn’t just happen overnight, it happened through the deregulation of corporations and banks and by squeezing the middle class dry by slowly and methodically taking away their ability to be heard. Trade Unions have lost their ability to make any kind of significant change that would benefit the working Joe, the workplace has become more about screwing each other over and making sure they mess up than helping each other, this is in no small part to the "people upstairs" that have made it so we believe that helping people is a sign of weakness.The powers that be have given big business more power to do whatever they have to do in order to get more profit, and if that means they have to sacrifice quality and YOUR safety..so be it! Neoliberalism is basically just another word for fascism.

I know people don’t want to hear it but it’s true, when your own government cares about the well- being of a multi- million pound company over it’s own citizens, when a government would rather have the people work to death than invest in their health and well- being.. well, that’s exactly where we are. These countries keep preaching that this is the only way- only way for them to make a shed load of cash maybe but not for us to live happy and fulfilled lives. The UK and US Governments are emblematic of the selfish society, why can’t we be more like the Danes that have been proven to be the happiest society- and why? Because they have a Social Democratic government.

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