Thursday, 9 October 2014

Speak your mind...

.... If you're of a brown complexion and/you just happen to be a Muslim, apparently it's a crime! What it is is institutionalized racism, you just have to turn on your TV- it's everywhere! It's in " popular TV show like " Homeland" which is just pure propaganda, but, you see you have to have a degree of intelligence to see this, and well must people have trouble separating fact from fiction. And the most disturbing part is that the government and the media are fostering this fear and speculation in the society, and it is completely irresponsible! Just look at the recent new, a medical student tweeted something that is fairly obvious if you watch the news but because he happened to be Muslim he was arrested as a terror suspect. Does anyone else feel a little concerned about where this is heading? What are they going to have next- The Thought Police?!

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