Thursday, 27 March 2014

Save today.... Pay tomorrow

People in this country have this obsession with get things cheap,from food, clothes and even labor. No one wants to pay the real price. But do you know what happens with having this type of mindset??? You end up getting screwed either you end up getting shit workers or you end up getting a fake product sold to you instead; like the horse meat scandal that everyone has so conveniently decided to forget!

People were so accustomed to getting cheap food that no one ever questioned as to why it was so cheap. It was cheap because it wasn't meat that was meant for human consumption! You must understand that real meat is never that cheap, in certain fast food chains ( that will remain unnamed but you know who they are!) you can get a fillet of fish for 99p because the actual product they are selling you is probably 0.00001% actual fish, so all theses companies should be charged with fraud because they have been guilty of advertising their products under false pretenses.

Just forget about the financial cost, just think about your health. The fact that the number of obese people and the rise in cancers has come to no shock for me- I mean what did you people think would happen after you put toxic "food" in you system??!!

It saddens me that people are so obsessed with getting cheap products that they have no thought as to why they are so cheap. Last year a building in Bangladesh killed over 500 people, and why?? Because people in the west didn't want to pay full price for the jean, and the cost cutting had to come from somewhere, so it meant that the factory had no health and safety and as a result people died.

Why are people so cheap in the ( supposed) richest part if the world?

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