Monday, 31 March 2014

Land of the easily fooled.

I feel rather sad when I see the world today, everyone is so quick to blame some poor sap for all your ills instead of taking any responsibility, and it doesn't help when you have groups like UKIP and Nigel Farage in politics spreading more lies. He believe the EU and immigrants are the sources of all your problems, and what really frightens mean is that there are actual human being out there who believe his BS!

People are so poor and desperate that they are willing to believe anything. The free papers have a way of whipping up hysteria. or have you already forgotten about how the thought Bulgarians were going to invade us and were coming here to be on welfare!! I mean who even believe that rubbish, the main thing people have to remember is that there is a reason why they have to give these "newspapers" for free at train stations! They're full of headline that have no real world relevance.

Most of these fast food places that people over here enjoy so much are full of immigrant workers, and why?? Because they're are cheap and that's what the west thrives on- or God forbid, you might have to pay full price for something!! And don't forget about cleaner, you really think people from here will clean up your mess; they wont even clean up their own!

And  has anyone even stopped to think about why he is so adamant about leaving the EU? No one has really stopped and question his motives, and this is what really bemuses me, everyone is just so quick to follow the person who is shouting the loudest without really understanding it. I agree that the EU is a flawed system, but it is worth having some rule of law or you'll end up like your cousins across the pond.

Is we leave the EU we will be the biggest losers and the corporations and the banks will end up running everything ( even more then they already do). They'll be able to pollute our air and water without a seconds hesitation because there is no longer any kind of oversight or penalties for them, only profits to be made.

What people don't realize is that he wont help you he'll just help the multi- national corporations, because in the end that's what he really care about- PROFIT INSTEAD OF PEOPLE!

Now ask yourself do you really want to be screwed like this?

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