Thursday, 19 December 2013

The Great Deflection

Turning a blind eye.
 People in this country are guilty of just looking the other way or sticking their heads in the sand. Some people believe that the situation in Europe will never come here, but what they don’t understand is that it already is, just under a different name and in subtle forms. The fact that the budget for the public sector has been gutted and anything decent is privatised how is that any better than what’s going on in Europe?? The only difference is that people are outraged and protesting in the streets, there is solidarity in Europe. There is nothing like that here, Thatcher and all the PMs following her made sure of that, they made sure that people will fight among each other instead of placing the blame where it truly lies; The “ finance hub” City of London. The focus of the Government has become increasingly focused and driven by the financial sector. And what is it when a Government is more focused on profits that the people..FASICSM!! But there are people out there that still refuse to believe that is what’s happening, they believe we destroyed it in 1945, but what they don’t realise it’s just called something else- Corporatism. This is just as deadly as the Fascism that everyone remembers under Hitler, but what people don’t understand is that was Nazism and had a huge element of racism in it.

 Which is an awful lot like we have here, The EDL, BNP. The Tories!! What do you think they are doing right now??? The EDL stands for the English defence League, I have a couple of questions ; why and how are they defending England, and what is it that officially makes you English?? From what I have gathered from my 30 years is that all English can only socialise while drinking, which I just think is sad, also they get obsessed with trivial issues and ignore anything that requires higher brain function. So in the end they are defending being “shitfaced” all the time and downright stupid. The more the Government decides to cut, the more angry and violent people will get and because education in essence has been privatised, that usually means blame will be assigned to the wrong people and the EDL just proves it.

Also the Tories Government with all its wisdom has led people to blame immigrants and essentially anyone who isn’t white and does speak with a foreign accent. They have started to promote this idea that people on benefits and immigrants are the reasons why the country is in a recession or rather a depression. Forgetting the simple fact that they not only let but actively encouraged the bankers to commit huge amounts of financial fraud and actively prey on the weak and desperate for years! This had nothing to do with it!!!! But like I said at the start, people have been brainwashed into blaming each other, instead of taking a closer look at the policy makers. Europe may have its problems but at least they’re not blind to the monumental injustice that is going on and will keep going on unless the people unite and resist the corporatisation of the world.

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