Friday, 20 December 2013

Review of The Lone Ranger

I just had to watch this after hearing how so called critics had judged this as a flop, I just knew there was something decent here. And I was right, it had humour in the right places, which is hard to do when dealing with such a sensitive subject- the genocide of the Native Americans. It showed them as the duplicitous people that they were ( and arguably, still are) Tonto was wonderfully acted by Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer as the legendary Lone Ranger was a good choice as he portrayed a somewhat naive man of the law. The horse was hilarious as at times it seemed to act like a person. Kudos to the animal handler!
People who don't like this because it forces us to look in the mirror, and most people simply don't like that. they want to bury their heads in the sand. And maybe, just maybe people are still greedy and corrupt sods and don't want that small fact pointed out!

5 out of 5!

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