Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Collective delusion.

The age of SLAVERY…

Slavery has always been a topic of great shame, and it should be, abusing people so you can get a quick buck- hang on a minute, isn’t that called being an employee?? There used to be a time when it was enough for a family of 5 just to have 1 person in full time employment, now all 5 of you need to have multiple jobs and even than there is no guarantee you’ll have a decent living standard.
You are asked to sacrifice more and more of your basic human right and for less and less money, and don’t even get me started on the hours- they’re absurd! In most jobs the hours are between 8-5, which I think is too early for any real work to be done, and there are even some jobs that start at 7am to 7pm! And lest we forget travelling time, on the poor public transport ( and that’s just putting it lightly!) through delay and traffic, you will spend hours in transit which means you will most likely be spending half your time and money on getting to work.
Some people continue with it because they think it will pay the bills, but wake up people it is barely enough after the taxman has taken half of it and the remaining is used to pay for you to get to work. Also in more and more workplaces the employers will cut out such luxuries as breaks, by making them shorter and shorter, many of the workplaces don’t even let you leave the premises for lunch. They’re about two seconds away from having armed guards to keep you inside!
The UK is heading the same way as the States, but do we really want that? Having to work 3 jobs to get barely enough money and still not being able to pay your bills, so the bank kick you out to the kerb and takes your home to sell to an equally oblivious bunch of suckers for 10 times as much. Is this really what we want to promote? A world where no one cares for each other and where compassion is all but dead- for profit?? That’s not very Christian, now is it??  For a country that claims to be superior in every way, how is this better than the crooks on the street or the drugdealers?
One could claim that a drug dealer is just doing good business and catering for growing demand.  At the end of the day. That’s what all these ass wipes in suits are doing, do you think they care that their product might contribute to child hood obesity or have you knee deep in debt- No! and why because they tick all the boxes for a sociopath, wait, let me show you:
·         Callus unconcern for feeling of others
·         Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships
·         Reckless disregard for safety of others i.e Building collapse in Bangladesh
·         Deceitfulness, repeated lying and conning people for profit- THE BANKERS!!
·         Incapacity to experience guilt- the bankers, politicians and the media
·          Failure to conform to social norms in regard to lawful behaviour

Does any of this sound familiar when you look at you boss??

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