Why do we feel to have so much while others are left with the bare minimum, and not only to we feel a need to keep consuming, but we feel we should always get it at a discounted price with no regards to the consequences that follow.
You just have to watch the news to see what our love of cheap goods have done to people, 1,000 people are dead in Bangladesh after a building collapse, and what were these people doing before they met their doom- making clothes for Primark so you can get those jeans for a fraction of the price, and do you have any idea why they are so cheap??? The people making them are working nearly all day for something like 10p an hour in a building with far too many people and no health and safety to speak of because it might eat into the profit margins!!
Why is this society so unwilling to pay for what they get. What really gets me is that because it happened on the other side of the world there will be no outrage or cry for justice and it will be forgotten within a month and attention will turn back to these empty celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian.
But it doesn't end there, our insatiable need for cheap energy. People would be wise to remember, energy is never cheap and especially when you keep spilling gallons of oil into the ocean. So not only do you over consume everything, you're also incompetent, or is is just cheaper to transport them in flimsy containers??
You may not feel the affect immediately but do you people not care what type of world you are making for future generations? Have you no humanity?
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