In my humble opinion, these were the last truly great television shows before such rubbish like Cougar Town, Glee etc. Battlestar Galactica was a remake of the 1970's show except this went on for five seasons. What made this show great was a great storyline- Humanity has been destroyed by their very own creation and only fifty thousand people are alive, and they are forced into the deepest part of space to look for a new home. Kids today wouldn't get it because there's no inappropriate jokes and cocky one liners, but even though this concept could be considered rather depressing, there is humour, just not in your face- I mean, if the entire species was on the brink of extinction, would you really be making jokes? Gaius Balter is a very grey character, he helped the Cylons destroy the Planet without relising it, he is also a genius and rather comical in parts, for example he sees a sexy blonde (no 6) in his head and is constantly caught doing inappropriate acts with her.
Their is a great mixture of vintage actors and newbies, and it is their acting that makes the situations believable and makes you care about what might happen to them. And some speeches that may otherwise sound cheesey, are rather emotional because these actors are so fantastic. It's a thought provoking and intelligent show, the problem with shows now is how dumbed down they are. The show deals with highly sensitive issues, suicide bombers, suicide, religion and the very essence of a human- survival and what would you do in order to survive. And if terrorism can actually work. Issues they wouldn't touch these days!
Lost is equally brilliant, a show with a completely unique storyline but ultimately uses the same methods to peak your interests. They start off with a simple concept- a plane crash and use the same techniques to make you feel emotionally connected to these characters( through brilliant dialogue and fantastic actors). In each episode you find out something new about them, but it's not just this that gets you hooked on the show, it's the mix of known and unknown actors, not to mention the storyline was unbelievable! People complained about the ending, they said it was a cheap ending, but I don't, because most of the myth and fantasy side was explained during the season and this was a more emotional ending. You see people now want everything spelt out for the, I actually findthat type of story telling insulting, the ending to Lost was what you wanted it to be... and it did get me chocked up and that's hard to do!
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