They are not satisfied with ruining the economy, they also want to ruin the natural beauty that is so abundant in Italy. The EU is an evil organisation, exploiting the poor for their own gain. They wish to build a high speed tunnel linking Lyon to Turin, and they have offered them bags of cash that are probably worthless now, given the state of the economy. Italy is a stunning country, and what draws many people ( including me) to it year after year is the UNSPOILT landscape. Now if they build this tunnel which is very likely, all that construction and building is going to damage the surrounding lands and cause a lot more noise and air pollution. Many of the local residents rely on farming as their main source of income, what are they going to do when crops are destroyed?? everyone will lose because they wont be able to sell it to local markets and the cuisine that Italy is so famous for will suffer, because they can't get freshly grown produce anymore. But not only that, it will be an eyesore, Italy's famous landscape will be ruined all for some worthless pieces of papers!
Italy is not a rich country, but it's countryside is more valuable than anything else... DON'T DESTROY IT!!
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