Nothing can beat the original, this on the other hand was a poor imitation. It started of rather slow with everyone introducing themselves, it had a few moments that would make you jump but the actual Predators looked to comical to take seriously. The original film would always have the predator in the shadow and you would never see it till the very end. In my opinion, that is more effective, as a general rule, the less you see the more scary it will be, the unknown is much more frightening. There were obvious moments in the film when they would just rip off the original movie, like the scene with the Japanese Yukuzo is facing off with the creature, this is the same as when the American Indian faced off with one in the original. It isn't a homage' if you just copy and paste from the original! It was a rather simplistic storyline and a little insulting to anyone with half a brain. The acting was okay but they had too man moments where they would stop and explain for the audience... again very insulting!
1 1/5 out of 5
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