Well, the answer to the above question is evident in everything we do. Just a quick run down of what they have done for us and believe me there are many more, I just don't have the time to list them all out. They made the magnificent Aqueduct system, which allowed water from high in the mountain to reach the cities, sanitation, roads, irrigation, education, medicine and public order, they were able to manage the people of Rome and keep everyone relatively satisfied ( unlike now!)
Rome was once a mere village but it soon became the model which every other city was trying to emulate in some way. One of the many smart things they did is giving the people an identity to be proud of, everyone was proud of being a Roman and would try and live up to the dream of what Rome was. The main thing that made any empire great was the military, and Rome had the best, the most advanced and maybe even the most progressive. You see, many soldiers in the military were not even born in Rome, they came from all over the Empire, including Spain and Greeks and after a service of 25 year you were given Roman Citizenship, which would mean you had the same privileges and were bound by the same law as the average Roman.
The Romans gave us more than just roads and military tactics, they also gave us language and philosophy- that has sadly diminished somewhat with the Anglo-Saxons and in the dark ages. But you can still see evidence of what was once the Roman Empire, you just have to look a little harder.
To be continues....
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