..... Shows are guilty of this, how many times have your favourite shows fell foul of this. They have had to bow down to outside pressure, they have to be political correct, which often means they are without character or a worthy storyline, this is happening more and more because of one thing and one thing alone... RATINGS.
This would not be so bad if the public were not all a bunch of pansies, I mean why does everything have to end with a pretty bow on it!!! Some of us can actually handle the dark edgy stuff, actually we prefer it. Thee glaringly obvious show that has bowed down to outside pressure is 24. At one point this was a show that sparked controversies, but above all else it made you think. Also it wasn't afraid of going to the dark places, I mean in the first season they killed off Jack's wife, now what show now would have the courage to do this.But as it went on you could see that the heat was getting to them and they turned an edgy drama into a fluff piece. I didn't even watch the last season because it was just so bad, the writing, the character and the acting was simply annoying!!
And they're doing the same to my favourite sarcastic doctor. The finale of season 6 House was all dark and brilliant, what you would expect.... but at the very end where you think he will fall back into old habits, they put him together with Cuddy to give him a happy ending. The only show that I believe has avoided this is Lost. It is both brilliant and thought provoking but above all else it has left us wanting more, how it should be. When a show ends it should leave you with a sense of longing and you should miss it unlike 24, where I was willing it to end.
Someone should have the guts to stand up to these people who continually want to dumb down the public and stop us from thinking!!
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