... On from the death of John Lennon, and has anything really improved? There is no question that his music is still as strong as ever, but what about his ideology. As a society, we have become very passive and everything is about the individual, there's no solidarity anymore.
We care more about Cheryl Cole and Wayne Rooney's extra marital affairs rather than what's happening around us that actually matters. Like the increase of tuition fees to £9000, can you even imagine the debt people will be in when they leave university, it's absurd!! And the media are doing their best to villainies those people who decide to shout out against such a blatant injustice. The public are so used to just taking it and accepting that this is the way of the world, that anyone speaking out is seen as a menace to society.
The future students ( if any) will face after will mean that they will spend the rest of their lives paying of the debt and nothing else but working, does this sound like a bright future? Is this fairness? I think not!!
I weep for the future of humanity....
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