People will use this time to reflect on what they've achieved and make ridiculous resolutions and targets that no one really follows for more than a week. How quickly the year has passed me has amazed me.
Another year older and wiser to the goings on of the world, and you know what..it leaves me feeling sad, I'm sad for people who think that what the do is in someway changing the world because it's not, and the fact is that people are going backwards and becoming less interested in things that can really make an impact on your life but instead they're more interested in who won X- Factor and who's cheating on who and what celebrity couple is getting a divorce.. it's so trivial!! And the latest distraction that the government has come up with is "the royal wedding"!
I mean do they think that we're so stupid we'll forget that we are being screwed over by our government, with this?? But the sad thing is, that it has. Every magazine I see has got their images plastered over it and there is already a book out!!! I mean it's getting ridiculous, they cut our jobs, our pension and benefits while increasing tax and everything else, they expect us to have a shittier service industry because half the people have got fired but pay more, I mean we can't get a seat on the train already but now they've decided to charge us an arm and a leg..... but no it's okay because there will be a royal wedding!!!! It's preposterous!
I'm not looking forward to 2011, if people thought this year was financially difficulty, it's only going to get worse. Happy New Year everyone.