Greatness V Arrogance
You could say that the great players are the most arrogant ones, the ones who believe they are untouchable, but I don’t think this is the case. A great player is one who enhances the team and has great skill and is always trying to get better. He is not a player that only looks at the short term, but a player who can see his faults and works on them while also developing different areas, so that he will not let down the team. A great player is also a professional on and off the pitch. He will always respect his colleagues even when he is competing against them.
An example of a great player is Kaka’. He has got tremendous skill and is always working hard to improve himself. He is a player that enhances the team and will do what is best for them. Kaka’ is incredibly intelligent and has great awareness for where his team mates are. If he sees that he cannot make the shot on goal he will do the smart thing and pass it to a player in a better position. He will not be so full of himself and go it alone, if he needs help, he gets it.
The greatness of Kaka’ doesn’t stop there, he is also willing to see his faults or areas to improve and work on them. He has come to realise that his incredible pace is not something he can rely on forever and he will lose it as he gets older. So not to let his team-mates down he has started working on other areas of his game, such as tackling, free kicks and he always manages to stay on his feet unlike a certain team mate of his; Cristiano Ronaldo. And what other player would make a run all the way from their own half and turn it into a scoring opportunity, without falling down?! Not Ronaldo that’s for sure!!
Those two names are what pop into my head when I think of arrogance. He is a player who has to be at the centre of attention and a player that will start sulking when things don’t go his way and instead of trying to fix his problems will blame some one else. To me this is both selfish and childish, because he will not take responsibility of his own actions.
His arrogance reached new levels when in the 07-08 season Kaka’ won the Ballon D’or and he came second, instead of praising his colleague for achieving what he couldn’t and recognising that there are players out there that are better than him, he would claim how he was robbed and how he was better than Kaka’.
Now to me this is arrogance, he refuses to look at his own faults, work as a team or stay on his feet! So not only is he the most arrogant player he is also the feeblest, which is a bit ridiculous considering his size. Now that these two players are on the same team sheet, one has to wonder will there be bad blood but we will also see who really is the greatest. I could go on forever but I like to give people the chance to prove me wrong, we’ll see if by working with Kaka’ he’ll actually develop into a decent professional.