Any one who followed Twenty Four from season 1 will all admit that watching season 7 was seeing an empty shell of the man know as Jack Bauer. In the previous seasons you saw a man struggling with guilt and remorse for what he had to do and what he had done in the past for his country, he never actually had to take five minutes out to explain how he was feeling or force morality onto us. It all seemed so forced and so badly acted I needed a vomit bucket before each episode!! The only reason I watched it was because I was a loyal fan and I assumed it would get better.
To my complete surprise it just got worse, they thought that just by sticking lots of action, plot twists and bringing Tony back were going to make it okay. It didn’t work. The seasons before always had action and twists, but they had a good degree of intelligence and not to mention better acting! In S7 I didn’t care if the President got killed or Jack died, you had no emotional investment at all. The Seasons before had great character development, it would have been hard not to feel for them, whether it was the annoying boss George Mason or the CTU director Ryan Chappell, when their time had run out , you would actually shed a tear for them!
The previous seasons would always have this moment when you thought the danger had past, when actually it hadn’t. Now in S7 they must have done this about 5 or 6 times, and I got to tell you it was annoying to say the least! Not to mention all the scene with big speeches about how America is the high point of morality and how torture is bad, it just made me very angry, it was as if they thought the audience were unable to think for them selves, it was just plain insulting! Where the previous season would have subtle references to real life and morale dilemmas, this was as subtle as getting hit in the face with a frying pan!!!!
And the fact that even after the White House had been under attack and the President’s daughter was going to get killed, they all still objected to Jack’s methods!! This was like the low calories version of Twenty Four, is accessible for idiots, because I cannot seriously believe that a fan of the previous seasons would enjoy this. Twenty Four was famous for having controversial issues and playing against convention, like his wife dying in the first season and having a black President; this seemed more like Twenty Four for dummies! I wish they would just let Jack die with some dignity but it doesn’t look like that will happen. He might die, but not with dignity!
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