Saturday, 26 September 2009

Patience is a virtue…

… But not always shared among the football community. Everyone is too hungry for a win, it blinds the people to what really matters… how the game is played. But don’t be the one to say it to a group of football fans or the consequences may be dire!
This expectation, that you must win straight away or you’re simply incompetent, is an opinion that is shared by too many and rather unfair. It can also be a hindrance on the performance and can become a heavy burden for the players; to keep winning can take the enjoyment out of the game and make it predictable.

Now if you were watching a thriller and you knew how it was going to end, what would be the point of watching it? You watch a thriller because you want to be surprised by how it turns out and shocked at the end when you finally found out “who did it”, that is how you come to realise that I was a good movie, from the fact that it was full of unexpected surprises. The same could be said about a football match.

This “must win” mentality can actually impede the game and take the thrill away from it which in turn can make the game stagnate because everyone is so afraid about taking a risk, because they’re so afraid that it may not work and it may make them look silly. But in the end everyone has to realise that, it is just a game. Even though there is ton’s of money being thrown into the mix. The moment the players start thinking of it as work, some of the magic disappears.

There is something to be said about the supporters who continually demand victory and are nothing else…BORING! I know it’s nice to win, but sometimes you have to lose to get better. Losing develops character and aides in your learning process. Not only that but when you lose, you learn that there is someone out there better than you and this spurs you on to improve and get better, so one day you can put up a worthy challenge.

As a fan I understand how frustrating and disappointing it can feel when you team is on a losing streak, but then I head on up to cloud nine when they win. You really appreciate winning after you’ve hit rock bottom, trust me I know, I support Juventus! Now they are a team that have been through it all, the highs of winning and the lows of having it all ripped out from under them, and now rebuilding a better team and learning from past mistakes.

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