Tuesday, 13 September 2022

The fate of Carol Peltier?

 Carol Peltier is arguable one of the best characters on The Walking Dead. She started of as a victim and has become one of the strongest characters, she is smart and she knows how to manipulate situations to her advantage. She is aware how non threatening and "weak" she appears to people and she uses this so that people will let their guard down around her- much to their detriment! 

This is why  I find it so absurd when I hear rumours that she might be killed off in the finale. According to " Screenrant" they might do exactly that.   I am fully aware that some thing you read from these outlets should be taken with " a pinch of salt" but it does make me worry about my favourite character.  However the writer have killed of a major character before... Carl Grimes. Now not everyone was a fan but the decision to kill him off was curious after all he was nor only Rick's son but also his main driving force. Rick Grimes main motivation was to build a better future for his son.

If they did kill Carol it would be for " shock value" which in my humble opinion should not be the case, it should be to to move the story forward- this would just create confusion as she is one of the more capable fighters. And not to forget poor Daryl, if this were to happen it would be devastating for him. But the actor who plays Daryl Dixon did say at San Diego Comic Con that the Carol and Daryl story wasn't over so who know!!

All I know for certain is that I can't wait for October 2!!!

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