Saturday, 3 August 2019


I know I haven't written for a while, ever since I was diagnosed with Ataxia I have just been spiralling into depression... not that anyone would know!  Not a lot is known about the disease and there in lies part of the problem. Not knowing a lot means uncertainty and that in turns creates a fear of what may happen. All that I know with certainty is that the worse is to come and that there is no getting better. Not only that but it is not that well known

, some GPs don't even know about it so there is little support out there

Ataxia can best be described as a mixture of MS and Parkinsons, it is a horrible progressive disease that robs you of your independence, every second of the day is a struggle not to fall flat on your face and it gets worse everyday. A few years ago I could walk with my cane but with no extra help, now I cant even walk down the street on my own, my confidence is down the toilet!!

What really scares me is not being able to do or see things I could before, for example I want to see The Basilica Di Superga in Turin Italy but it's not as if I can go myself while I still have my legs and can walk a little, I have to wait around for other people to be free... and I fear that by the time they decide they can go, my legs will decide they cant and I'll be stuck here in my room forever just waiting for things to get worse.

I guess what I'm trying to say is... I fear lost opportunities. 

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