I have something resembling an answer..... The media in this country is extremely right wing and the rest are just inept. No one bother to ask any hard hitting questions or if they do it is buried so deep that no one sees it. Just take the documentary that John Pilger did about the current state of the NHS and how we got there, it was strategically broadcasted AFTER the general election because OFCOM said it was bias!! How can that be called out for being biased and BJ not get called out for all his BS!! I mean this Trump knock off kept banging on about getting Brexit done, but did he ever explain how he was going to get it done.
Lies and slogans have become the norm in this country and it terrifies me. As a Muslim women who also happens to be disabled, this conservative Government worries me a lot. They have shown their lack of compassion and decency by how they have conducted themselves thus far, I mean the PM himself referred to Muslim women as letterboxes and homosexuals as bum boy yet people are stuck on the Anti Antisemitism in the Labour party and of course that is a huge issue but may i remind you that Jeremy Corbyn wasn't caught saying these things yet every tabloid paper and news channel ran with this.
Another reason why Boris Johnson's Government will be the worse in UK history is because he couldn't even bother to attend a debate about the most important and urgent issue that is affecting the entire world.. CLIMATE CHANGE. He like Trump is more concerned with the short term profits than the long term consequences. He has already gave the green light for a third runway at Heathrow and is making sure Hydraulic Fracturing more commonly know as Fracking continues even in the midst of the climate emergency.
Boris has been rather clear about his disdain for the public when he wilfully lies to us on a regular basis. But it is made all that more apparent that he has no interest in us when he refuse to visit flood ravaged parts of the country and when he plans to cut the already "limp" benefits for the disabled. People often forget that the degrading Personal Independence Payment was brought under the conservative Government who also keep repeating that their 10 years of austerity has be a success, maybe they should take a look outside and see the hundreds of homeless people and the rise of child poverty. How can this country be great if children are going to bed hungry and nurses are forced to use food banks?!
Johnson is a power hungry privileged toff who is determined to subvert democracy whenever he can and turn this country into a tax-haven where only his friends and himself stand to benefit. He has already shown he doesn't care about his way by suspending Parliament whenever thing don't go his way. He is a coward who will bow to whatever demands the US make and if they means selling off the NHS and rolling back on food standards and letting GMO's flood are store then so be it... also all you working stiff can wave goodbye to your holidays and sick days and believe it when I say you'll be getting a lot more sick especially after the chlorinated chicken arrive!!
Bring on 2020!!