The mentality of thinking about yourself and no one else didn't just happen overnight. It has been cultivated over decades , from early school to the business world, you are taught to look out for number one and helping others is a weakness or a negative attribute to have. This way of thinking is in our tv shows, films, our working life to politics.
Any time there is a strike or protest the media will do its utmost to frame the story in a negative was, such as: how much it is costing the taxpayer and the negative effects it will have on the economy. They will spend a small fraction of the time on WHY they are protesting or on strike, could it be that they are in dangerous working conditions, being constantly exploited or being paid peanuts for working 12 hour shifts?!! None of this will be the focus of conversation.
The PM is trying to shut down protest by making it illegal and if she gets her way we will have become equal to regimes like Saudi Arabia, China and North Korea(!) Is this perhaps the real reason she wants to leave the EU, her cronies have all but admitted that they want to get rid of Human Rights!
To prove to you even further how heartless this society has become not only do they place Homeless Spikes in London but a homeless man was found dead near Westminster! Tell me... where was the outrage??!! To prove my point even further Windsor Council have decided to fine homeless people £100! Where are they meant to get that sort of money and also how cold- hearted do you have to be to demand that kind of money from people that are obviously struggling? But the right- wing media will be doing over-time portraying these people as thieve, drug addicts or pedophiles- which I'm sure is the current government.
Why is this country called Great Britain, it should be called Mediocre Britain by of the way it dares to treat the most vulnerable in society. The population has the ability to change things they just have to open there eyes and speak up to all the injustice around them.
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