Thursday, 16 June 2016

June 23

An important date for some and not so much for others. It is the date when we finally decide whether to stay a part of the EU or leave, what most people don't know is that we already just part timers, I mean we still have are own currency, so what is everybody whingy about?

Most of the people are so ignorant about the issue that it becomes deeply concerning that these people are going to decide whether we're in or out, and the politicians don't know much either... or they're just choosing to tell us half truths and the people are so distracted and crippled by fear that they blindly believe them.

All the focus is about controlling the flow of immigrants because they are the people taking our jobs and living in plush  new houses (!)  I pity anyone who really believe this, if the job goes to an immigrant instead of you it's because they are more willing to do it, and they are not given houses, they pay the extortionate rent and they are far from being plush!

The NHS will suffer as many of the wonderful people who work in it are Europeans, so what will happen to them? Also how about all the ex pats living in Europe will be returning here, and how will that help with the already crippled public sector?

The two parties are just focusing all their energy on promoting fear and putting out half truths because they know no one will  be bothered to do there own research because it might cut into the football time.

What people should keep in mind that the repercussions of leaving or staying wont be felt immediately but in the medium or long term, and the real sad thing is that people tend to only focus on the now and forget about later till it's too late.

I admit the EU is far from being perfect but if they are the one protecting worker's rights, human rights, our health by heavily regulating GMO's and the environment, there is more points for staying in than going on alone and becoming like the States. Yeah they have " freedom" . the freedom to work like slave, to live in poverty, to die on the street, to be poisoned by the water and to never go to college, wonderful isn't it? Many of the toffs here would prefer that so stop complaining about Brussels making out law, would you rather these toffs make them and answer to no one?

They claim that by leaving they will get their sovereignty back, if they were so concerned about that then why are they pushing for TTIP that will give control to the corporation who care about profit and nothing else?!

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