Having grown up in a house that regards football as an interest
that only boys were allowed, it was hard for me, a 32 year old to “break the convention”. I didn’t grow up
playing with dolls, they were kind of forced on me, I grew up wanting remote
control cars, action figures and playing army games, yet I was forced to wear
pink and be more like the other girls, yet I never would fit in with them.
Having two brothers and one sister it would be tough to predict who I would
latch onto. But as fate would have it I leaned towards my brother who was just a little older than me, he always
encouraged me to do what I wanted to do and to go with my bliss instead of what
others expected of me. So he is to thank for helping me break conventions and
become what I wanted to be and that has resulted in me becoming a devoted
Bianconeri supporter.

Being British one would wonder why I didn’t support a Premiership
team. To begin with I had started to lean towards a British team, but what I
had noticed was that many of the Premiership teams were full of foreign talent
and that the actual English team hadn’t existed. And when they would come
together at international level, they weren’t very good.
Now you may be thinking, out of all the other countries why did I
choose Italy? There is no one answer to explain that but I’ll attempt to shed
some light on the topic. First of all, the county is just beautiful, I mean,
Rome is just like walking in a museum, all the historical artefacts and not to
mention The Colosseum and The Trevi!. Second of all the fans, they may get a
little too excited but they are so passionate about their team that it becomes
infectious and you can’t help but get swept up in all the different emotions.
Now this should explain why I chose Italy but not why I chose
Juventus. It all started at school, and a girl would come into class each
morning with a football magazine (football Italia) and talk about her favourite
players and the team she supported was Juventus. Now this intrigued me and I
started to follow football with a more critical eye. Now it wasn’t until the
final years of school when I began to support Juventus. Juventus had players
like Zidane, Inzaghi, Del Piero and of course the most important player which
in my opinion is not given enough credit, the goalkeeper, Perruzzi.

In my eyes Juventus was and still is a force of nature. They are
hardworking, full of talented players and have this never say die attitude,
which in my opinion, is what makes a team great. Now they may have let go of
the great players of the past but they have replaced them with equally talented
players like; Gigi Buffon, Sebastian Giovinco, Claudio Marchisio and Pavel
Nedved. And even though the latter has now left after providing the supporters
with eight years of brilliant football, he will be missed and deserves a place
in the history of Juventus as one of the greats. Even when it all seemed to be
going wrong, Juventus persevered and did their time in Serie B and now are
ready to prove to the world again, why they deserve to rule Serie A.
But I would always understand that it is just a game and that there are more important issues in the world that desearve more attention like CLIMATE CHANGE.