Thursday, 15 December 2016

Fascism 101

.... So what is it when the corporations simply become government, like Trunp appointing the head of Exxon mobile?

And it's not as if the UK is any different, they are always following the flawed ways of the yanks!
They are the same...with their constant word vomit!!!

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

The Greatest Blunders

History will say how this was an obvious sign that the west is in decline. The rise of the Right shouldn't be a surprise, that is if you were paying attention. But the sad thing was that many people weren't, and that is why it is such a shock to people.

People have been angry and frustrated long before the Financial Crisis of 08, it's just this is when the Politicians of the world woke up to the reality that something has gone seriously wrong when it started to hurt their pockets. But then after the initial shock, they headed back to their slumber, while the people were left struggling. But they ignored everyone else while rewarding the crooks that screwed and are continuing to screw the public. This has left a serious amount of distrust and anger towards traditional politic, hence the rise of opinions rather than facts and emotion over common sense.

In the UK the vote to leave the EU just showed how in times of austerity and cost cutting that the UK government has imposed, the people are more inclined to blame outside forces rather than looking within their borders. People were more inclined to believe the outrages claims made by the Campaigns on both sides, without taking some time to do some research on an issue that will have some very serious consequences for all of us in the long term. To say that all the people that voted to leave the EU are stupid is just unfair and false. The people were simply misinformed and taken in by the showmanship and trickery used by the politicians. And this is because we don't have a impartial news media in this country, they are all biased to one side or another depending on where the funding comes from.
The media here and in the US didn't do their job and really push on the issues, they emphasized the person flaws and character rather then providing the public with any substantial analysis. This was more prominent in the Us election, where it was 100% about personality.

But everyone is to blame; the politicians, the media and us,the public. The public demanded showmanship over quality, and the media decided to show this on a loop because it gets the most ratings. And in the end that is what it's about- ratings rather than informing the public and to hell with the consequences and long term bitterness and hatred you are cultivating.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

The return of the NASTY PARTY

 It's the only reason that can explain the regression of this society.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Post EU depression

It has become increasingly obvious that the people didn't know what they were voting for on June 23rd. What has become glaringly obvious is how racist, intolerant and " intellectually challenged" the people are. The fact that one of the most Googled questions after the vote was" what is the EU?" should tell you that, this is the kind of question you ask BEFORE voting to leave the EU.

The people are not all to blame, the media and the actual politicians themselves would often just lie and present false claims as facts, and the people would believe this... yeah, because everything on tv was the gospel truth, give me a break! Many big news organisations had to slash their budget during the credit crunch and this means less fact checkers. so the News especially the mainstream media is more about speculation and opinions rather than presenting verified facts.

And more importantly it's about getting the viewership numbers to rise. And they've learned that what the people want to see is a lot of sensational claims made by a bunch of buffoons! The buffoons tapped into the public's distrust of " the other" and used in order to gain support to leave. The would plaster the News about how migrants are a burden on society and how they want to hurt you, this is  a lie but the people are more inclined to blame someone else for their problem than look in a mirror!

Nationalism was also at work, this idea that we have to take our country back, back from who?? People are under the false assumption that " Britishness" even exists. I'm going have to burst you're bubble... but it doesn't. Nothing in this country is made in the UK, everything from our water, trains airports are all foreign made, even the Royal Mail has been sold off to a German corporation. So if people want the foreigners out, guess what?? their wealth will also go and this country will be left poorer.

Immigration has been a hot topic issue and one could say that it swung the outcome of the referendum. I don't know if you're aware of this but many people don't actually think this country is that great, especially with the growing hate crime and general intolerance- it's not exactly welcoming!
The Government has said that they might introduce a point style immigration system like Australia, that's really welcoming isn't it! ( I'm being sarcastic) And why do we want to follow the Aussies, a country where they are shipping refugees to detention facilities on the island of Naru and are suffering " torture" like treatment.

The fact that many people who voted to leave would now vote remain tells you that this wasn't democracy in action, this was pure propaganda and the people voted under false pretenses and should be given the opportunity to vote again given what they now know to be the truth about how much the people benefit from being in the EU.

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Azzurri 2016

I have said before that it is only a game and I still believe that, but what is remembered from the game can cause me great annoyance. The " sports commentators" can be rather aggravating, they show Italy no respect and they revert to the same old line of how Italians just like to defend.

It's as if after every tournament they have to listen to the same old cliches, have they forgotten about Euro 2012 where they played some beautiful ATTACKING FOOTBALL.

They had shown during the tournament that they could play both styles but yet everyone else will be saying the same old stuff about them. They had gone toe to toe with the current World Champion Germany and pushed them all the way to penalties.

Antonio Conte perhaps should've made some changes earlier in the game, but that's to do with coaching and not to diminish the fact that they were forced due to injuries and suspension to do without most of their creative players like, Claudio Marchisio, Riccardo Montilivo, Marco Verratti,Thiago Motta and De Rossi, but people will neglect those little details and just focus on the score- line.

There is no shame losing to Germany by penalties, I just feel sorry for some of the older player, this was probably their last chance. However I am extremely proud by the way they played with determination, team spirit and humility, they showed great class- which some other nations sorely lack!

I can't wait till next time FORZA AZZURRI.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

The tragic murder of Jo Cox

This is the sad reality of a media that bombards us with things we should be afraid of and a failing education system and many people being discouraged from higher education due to the extortionate fees. People will take out there frustration and anger out in acts of violence.

What about these lot?

Where will they go?

Thursday, 16 June 2016

June 23

An important date for some and not so much for others. It is the date when we finally decide whether to stay a part of the EU or leave, what most people don't know is that we already just part timers, I mean we still have are own currency, so what is everybody whingy about?

Most of the people are so ignorant about the issue that it becomes deeply concerning that these people are going to decide whether we're in or out, and the politicians don't know much either... or they're just choosing to tell us half truths and the people are so distracted and crippled by fear that they blindly believe them.

All the focus is about controlling the flow of immigrants because they are the people taking our jobs and living in plush  new houses (!)  I pity anyone who really believe this, if the job goes to an immigrant instead of you it's because they are more willing to do it, and they are not given houses, they pay the extortionate rent and they are far from being plush!

The NHS will suffer as many of the wonderful people who work in it are Europeans, so what will happen to them? Also how about all the ex pats living in Europe will be returning here, and how will that help with the already crippled public sector?

The two parties are just focusing all their energy on promoting fear and putting out half truths because they know no one will  be bothered to do there own research because it might cut into the football time.

What people should keep in mind that the repercussions of leaving or staying wont be felt immediately but in the medium or long term, and the real sad thing is that people tend to only focus on the now and forget about later till it's too late.

I admit the EU is far from being perfect but if they are the one protecting worker's rights, human rights, our health by heavily regulating GMO's and the environment, there is more points for staying in than going on alone and becoming like the States. Yeah they have " freedom" . the freedom to work like slave, to live in poverty, to die on the street, to be poisoned by the water and to never go to college, wonderful isn't it? Many of the toffs here would prefer that so stop complaining about Brussels making out law, would you rather these toffs make them and answer to no one?

They claim that by leaving they will get their sovereignty back, if they were so concerned about that then why are they pushing for TTIP that will give control to the corporation who care about profit and nothing else?!

Friday, 10 June 2016

Could it be you?

I've just heard the most hilarious news... English fans have already been involved in a couple of " confrontations" and have been tear gassed by the local police.

It's simple arrogance, they go to another country and bring over their drunken, yobbish behaviour. The English FA has to really clamp down on this behaviour it's really embarrassing. But it does shed a light on the English mindset, they believe they are better than everyone else, but they have nothing to back it up.

For people who claim to be  more civilized they aren't really showing that to the rest of Europe. I'm sure Europe will be glad to get rid of us.

It's not a football thing as the all Spanish Champions League final in Milan went on without any major incidents and even the presenters were shocked at how relaxed the atmosphere was before the game and Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid are city rivals.

France have had some really serious on going issues, they don't have time or the resources to deal with some rowdy English fans. The other countries in this tournament have had no major issues.. because they understand that this should be a festival of sport and not of delinquents.

I've come to conclusion that it's just an English thing, but if they got in a fight you just know the media and everyone else will do their best to claim that the " white guy" is the victim. But I still have to wonder why the feel a need to "taint" a wonderful spectacle- are they just jealous that France is prettier and feel they have to ruin it by pissing all over the streets like naughty toddlers?
Another thing that just goes to show the English have no class, the fans booed the Russian anthem, now what was the point in that?

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Making mediocre normal

There is no denying that there will always be poor people in the world but what isn't acceptable is how the people at the top of society are convincing everyone that it is normal and how it has always been that way.. because it's not! The reason why things have gotten so bad is because we have let it. We have given in to the lies and myths told by the media and the politicians and have chosen to look the other way.

Now because we have spent so long distracted we have only begun to notice how bad things have gotten, now that it is almost to late. Just take a look at our education system, worker's rights, our freedom to assemble and protest about the injustice of EVERYTHING and last but not least, our NHS. Do you really believe that it has gotten this way because of immigrants or is it because of decades of under-funding because the Government is more interested in bailing out the City of London than investing something that everyone relies on?

Also just take a look at the state of the tuition fees, they are just designed to discourage you from even contemplating going to university because of the massive amounts of debt that you will incur. There are more and more stories of girls selling themselves in order to pay for their studies, is this really the kind of world you want your kids to inherit? There is also no good reason to this increase, it's not as if you get a higher quality education it's all mediocre and we're just supposed to accept it.

And  the Tories solution is to sell everything off and to give greater control to the private sector. They are solely concerned with making a profit to pay their shareholders, do you really think they give a toss about the common good, that is why we need a strong welfare system that is designed to help the most vulnerable. Yet the toffs out their will convince you that it is a burden when in actual fact it is vital for a functioning society.

Don't believe everything the Right- Wing media is selling you, or pretty soon we will become a bankrupt society in every sense of the word.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Why I support Juventus

Having grown up in a house that regards football as an interest that only boys were allowed, it was hard for me, a 32 year old  to “break the convention”. I didn’t grow up playing with dolls, they were kind of forced on me, I grew up wanting remote control cars, action figures and playing army games, yet I was forced to wear pink and be more like the other girls, yet I never would fit in with them. Having two brothers and one sister it would be tough to predict who I would latch onto. But as fate would have it I leaned towards my brother who was just a little older than me, he always encouraged me to do what I wanted to do and to go with my bliss instead of what others expected of me. So he is to thank for helping me break conventions and become what I wanted to be and that has resulted in me becoming a devoted Bianconeri supporter.

Being British one would wonder why I didn’t support a Premiership team. To begin with I had started to lean towards a British team, but what I had noticed was that many of the Premiership teams were full of foreign talent and that the actual English team hadn’t existed. And when they would come together at international level, they weren’t very good.

Now you may be thinking, out of all the other countries why did I choose Italy? There is no one answer to explain that but I’ll attempt to shed some light on the topic. First of all, the county is just beautiful, I mean, Rome is just like walking in a museum, all the historical artefacts and not to mention The Colosseum and The Trevi!. Second of all the fans, they may get a little too excited but they are so passionate about their team that it becomes infectious and you can’t help but get swept up in all the different emotions.

Now this should explain why I chose Italy but not why I chose Juventus. It all started at school, and a girl would come into class each morning with a football magazine (football Italia) and talk about her favourite players and the team she supported was Juventus. Now this intrigued me and I started to follow football with a more critical eye. Now it wasn’t until the final years of school when I began to support Juventus. Juventus had players like Zidane, Inzaghi, Del Piero and of course the most important player which in my opinion is not given enough credit, the goalkeeper, Perruzzi.

In my eyes Juventus was and still is a force of nature. They are hardworking, full of talented players and have this never say die attitude, which in my opinion, is what makes a team great. Now they may have let go of the great players of the past but they have replaced them with equally talented players like; Gigi Buffon, Sebastian Giovinco, Claudio Marchisio and Pavel Nedved. And even though the latter has now left after providing the supporters with eight years of brilliant football, he will be missed and deserves a place in the history of Juventus as one of the greats. Even when it all seemed to be going wrong, Juventus persevered and did their time in Serie B and now are ready to prove to the world again, why they deserve to rule Serie A.

For more information about the greatest team go to;

But I would always understand that it is just a game and that there are more important issues in the  world that desearve more attention like CLIMATE CHANGE.

It's just a game!

People who know me will probably think I've gone mad, but it's true, Euro 2016 is just a football tournament. I am guilty of getting too emotional over a game.. bur at the end of the day, it just that, a game. It has no real life effects, I will not starve, lose my home or my pension, unless I was stupid enough to bet my lifes savings on a game.

I think France has more important issues to worry about like how the Government is trying to take away worker's rights by calling it " reforms" and the deadly floods caused by CLIMATE CHANGE.

The games are a nice distraction from the worlds troubles, but at the end of the day we must all face the harsh truth of reality.... Donald Trump might be president of the US!!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Junior doctors

What people often forget and the media conveniently forgets to mention is that people only strike when every other avenue has been exhausted. A strike is not something you do lightly, for the duration of the strike you have no income and with the rising cost of living nowadays, that's a big thing. And not to forget all the patients that depend on you.. But let me tell you, if that ass hole Jeremy Hunt gets his way patients will be in even more danger.

Mr Hunt thinks that being in the medical field is like every other job, and you should be working around the clock with less time for yourself...these people are working 12 hour shifts where they take care of people and make sure they don;t die, it's not the same as working in the office or in retail, In an office you're sitting at a desk and lives don't depend on how fast you can type! In the NHS you have to be "on it" from the moment you start your shift to the moment it ends.

Nurses and Doctors need the "down time" to recuperate and the tory toffs want to deny them that! Do tou really want the doctor working on you to be sleep deprived?

People fail to grasp how important these people are to the well- being of society.The tories are trying to get away with privatizing the health system completely, because in most parts it is already. People just aren't paying attention, but all the forms you have to fill in, all the different departments with their different ways of doing things and all the agency staff that don't know how system work, it's all designed to slow the process down so all you hear is how bad the NHS is, people forget that decades of the Government slashing their budget have contributed to this. The government will then try to convince us that by bring multinational corporations in will fix it, but it will only make things worse because corporations only care about profit and to hell with patients health and well being!

The current Government wants private business to come in..why??? Because it's working so well across the pond where there are people dying in the streets because they can't afford health insurance! The Tory toffs live in a bubble and only care about the rich and don't give a damm about the rest of us. And it's not just the government demonizing the junior doctors for going on strike, the media is also doing its part in depicting the doctors as the villains of the piece.

But tell me really who's the bad guy? The people who are working to save your lives or the people who want to save the pennies?