Sunday, 7 June 2015

G7 = BS!!

It's that time of year again, you know, when world leaders come together and jerk each other off! Angela Merkel claims that Climate Change is top on the list, while leaders from across the world arrive on their private jets, does anyone else see the blatant hypocrisy! And everything coming out of the mouth of the British PM is an outright lie, he claims that Britain is back! Back to where exactly?! Before World War two perhaps, what a delusional twit. Britain is suffering more than people are willing to admit, over 1 million people rely on food banks to get their meals, thousands are going to lose their homes and not to forget the mere fact that people are forced to work as slave because the Government will refuse to help them!!

 But David is not happy with screwing us over he also has his beady eyes fixed on our kids future, by gutting the NHS and hiking tuition fees to an absurd amount, and not to forget his wonderful scheme to get us in even more debt- Help to buy, which is just another way to prop up the housing bubble just long enough to paper over the Grand Canyon sized cracks. But what has me even more befuddles is his outrage over the FiFa corruption, you know he's is only crying about it because he got out-bribed by Qatar and he can't handle it. But I do find it rather rich coming out of his mouth, all this talk about corruption, has he forgotten how the banks have and are still, swindling the people out of all of our money?????

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