Friday, 29 May 2015

The Long Con

This consists of having an idea but convincing people they came up with it first, and only at the very end do you realize you've been ripped off, and by then the con man is long gone.

The sad thing about this society is, they haven't a clue that they've been ripped off they're too busy blaming each other and demonizing the most vulnerable people in society.

I believe that if this election had actually been about the issues instead of trying to scare people by saying things like " radical Islam" or the Scottish or immigrants are going to over run the country, the result may be different.. that is my hope at least (!) But because people don't react rationally when they are afraid, they voted Tory.

People should understand and be ready for the dire consequences of this mistake, it has already started, within days of his re- election he ( who shall not be named) decided he was going to slash child benefit, put more restrictions on other forms of benefits, make it harder for people to strike or protest but he' going to add more protection for the banks. Does anyone out there see anything pecuiliar about this?! He is basically proposing that the institutions that are continuing to screw us over be allowed to do so unimpeded and we can't complain or even discuss the injustice of it!

Not only does he want to stop us from debating this immoral government but he also wants to expand their ability to snoop on us and he is trying to get rid of our Human Rights by "reforming" them and calling it the bill of rights, and guess what, all it's going to contain is one sentence that declares if you have no money, you have no rights!

He is also making it harder to get into higher education by raising tuition fees again! It's as though he's been looking across the pond and saying to him that that looks great, like every third world country it may be great for the rich but look at the millions of homeless/ starving/ uneducated and overworked. But he's shut his eyes to all that and all he sees are the Bentley's, high rises, gated communities with their manicured lawns and movie stars, but these are not even close to the average American, they are actually fighting for free college, the eradication of GMOS, money out of politic, affordable healthcare and the reigning in on big multinational- we are going in the opposite direction to this, but the saddest part is, that over here, the population is blind to this and they believe that we are still the bright beacon of civilization and all should try and be more like us.

A civil society is one that is fair and just to all its citizens, not just the very wealthy, but people won't accept it, they actually believe that if they are suffering it's all their own doing and it has nothing to do with the fact that the system has been rigged so all you can do is lose and lose big.

The mainstream media has also been doing its best to keep you in the dark and blaming those less fortunate than you for all of your problems. Whereas before the news was meant to inform you, now all it does is distract you from the real causes of all your problems.

I urge you all to wise up about all the injustices that have come rushing to the forefront because to voted conservative and ask yourself, will you vote Tory in the next election?

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