It may seem rather cliche' to be quoting Owell, but most of what he has said through his writing has become the norm, but the scariest thing about it is that no one seems all that bothered by it.
In June last year people became aware that the government had been spying on them and yes, there was outrage but there were still those who were nonchalant about it. It's as if people are not able to connect the dots-- constant surveillance-- limits on freedom= a closed society. The media does it's job in downplaying the seriousness of it, but what people tend to forget is what is then done with the information that is gathered, the majority of the time it is used for marketing purposes and flooding you with junk mail and everyone can agree that is just plain irritating! But other times it can be used to persecute a minority of the population i.e all Muslims are potential terrorists.
One simply has to look at the constant bombardment of image on the " news" making the connection of violent crimes to Islam. And this is why having experienced and well trained investigating reporting is needed because they will feel the need to give all the information and not make it so simplistic because life is not simple and it's dangerous to think that way, unfortunately proper journalism seems to be a dying breed and why are they dying out?? Because governments have started to deem their work as an act of terror, how can keeping the public well informed about issues that effect them an act of terror? The people in power forget about the banks that have and are continuing to commit large amounts of fraud against the people but if you dare to tell the people about the criminal acts the government is committing against the people, you will find your self on some watch-list. That should show you who's really number one in their minds, but the worse thing is that they have the people tricked into believing that this is the way that it should be and it's making me sick!
The people have been duped into believing that politics and foreign policy have no impact on their lives and that if the people want to be a constructive member of society they should spend all their waking hours working for peanuts and then making sure they get into debt because they spent all their peanuts and have nothing left, so in the end they are working until they are dead.
The mainstream media has an obligation to inform the public and not just focus on entertainment and ratings. One of the many problems with the media is, is that they are all run by accounts, and all accountants care about is profit they don't care about the quality or even if it's factually accurate. The news media needs to be have the facts, one would think that would be top priority for any news organisation.. but not for the ones that are in the pockets of big business and government. I mean it doesn't make any sense to " out" your boss, because you'll be out of pocket very soon.
The news media has a new and more lucrative job, and that is to distract the public, so when the City of London is robbing you blind they will hype up a story on immigrants or people on welfare bleeding the government dry, oh no, it has nothing to do with the huge TAXPAYER bailout you gave them, it is our own fault. And when you have so called investigative journalist repeating this horse shit, the people will tend to believe it, and when people are not able to think for themselves or at a higher level than 16 because education has been privatized, people will start to direct there anger at the most vulnerable in the society.
That is why we need mainstream media to be a little brave and ask more question, they are there to get to the truth not to make the interviewee feel comfortable!
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