This is the time of year when people sit back and
reflect on the year gone by, but what actually happened and what they remember
can be two different things. It is only human nature to just remember the
pleasant things and brush over the serious things that have a real world
impact. For example people will remember the legalisation of gay marriage with
great fondness and forget about the remarks made by members of UKIP, that
blamed this milestone event for the terrible flooding earlier in the year.
People will remember the World Cup in Brazil this summer, but they will
conveniently forget the protests and anger towards FiFa by the people living
People may
also remember the strikes by public workers, but what the mainstream media has
done so well is, make them seem like the villains of the story and completely
glosses over the main issue which is: Austerity doesn’t work all it does is
transfer the wealth from the people to the top .1%, in actual fact the debt has
increased, this is plain robbery!
To begin with the most urgent issue which is the
flooding, people may recall the devastation caused by the floods but many
people will still be reluctant in making any connection to climate change. For
at least the last five years the summers have shortened while the winters have
started to be more and more extreme and longer- this is what climate change is,
and because it is happening sooner than expected we will have very little time
to adapt, all you have to do is take a look at how this country responded to the
events in January!
And what is
also rather terrifying is that this backwards thinking government has adopted
the dirty and most environmentally damaging method of getting so called clean
energy: FRACKING, which the U.S have had for about 10 years and it has proven
to increased the rate of health risks and isn’t even worth it in economic
sense. And all this talk about it bringing jobs and prosperity to the area is
complete horse crap, what they don’t tell you is that they are short term jobs
and they will most likely leave you with a hefty cleaning bill.
I mean the
very fact that politicians had to give “incentives” (which is just another word
for bribery) should tell you how much this enterprise will benefit the ordinary
people- Not that much! When the government is more interested in making a
profit and helping corporation rather than the ordinary people, then it is time
to worry, because the main objective for a corporation is only interested in
get a large profit and boosting their share-price for the shareholders, they
couldn’t give a damm about the people. And when that starts to happen, the
people will be made to suffer.
Talking about the government caring more about
corporate power than the people, earlier this year they tried to force
Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO’s into the market. Does anyone see a
pattern emerging? They tend to follow everything the States are doing, just 10
years later, and again it has been proven that gmo’s lead to long term health
risks. But you see, a multinational doesn’t care about long term risks to your
health as long as they make the quick profit before anyone notices and by then
they’ll do everything they can to dismiss your claim that eating gmo’s caused
What can the people do when the people they elect
are working against their interests?? Kick them out and make a new government.
That’s what a democracy is all about, active participation by the people…. But
then I forget.. This isn’t a democracy it’s closer to a Plutocracy/ Neo
Feudalism/ Corporatism or just the one that no one wants to admit: Fascism.
The “ powers that be” have already limited our
ability to get our voices heard and one of the ways they have done it is by
criminalising any and all forms of protest and by limiting our ways of getting information
by controlling the media and treating whistle-blowers like traitors, when in
actual fact the government has betrayed all of us and they will either use
intimidation tactics to try and scare the journalist like Glenn Greenwald or
they will send them to prison like the staff from Al Jazeera, who have been in
an Egyptian jail for 368 days and counting.
They have even gone as far as trying to control the
internet and make it harder for the average Joe to get access to information.
Is this the acts of a free and open society?
I haven’t even gone into the failed economics by
Reagan and Thatcher whose failed economic policies have led to the disaster of
today and the taking away of power by trade unions- to protect the workforce
and giving more power to the Banksters( to screw over the workforce!) by giving
them free reign to gamble with our life savings and when the crash happens
again they can just help themselves to our lifesavings in the form of Bail
Ins or the slow annexation of Gaza by Israel and how thousands of
lives were lost in the “conflict” in the summer, which was a hugely uneven
fight, or the importance of the Scottish Referendum or the ever wise UKIP and
their “ Are you here illegally?” campaign, but not to forget the “ homeless
spikes” in London… oh how compassionate
this country is (!) One positive thing amount this country is that we don’t
shoot or choke our own ( mainly black) citizen, unlike the US, but give it
time, the police will soon be allowed to use Tasers on the public and don’t
forget the water cannons that Boris the clown wants to bring in!
One can always read some of my previous articles to
remind yourself about what significant things happened in 2014.( Or you could
put aside your prejudices and watch RT and of course the Keisar Report, Thom
Hartman or Al Jazeera)
But I leave it in your capable minds to determine
what was important in the 12 months gone by…..Here’s to (the imminent crash of)
Happy New Year?