Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year?

Goodbye 2014

This is the time of year when people sit back and reflect on the year gone by, but what actually happened and what they remember can be two different things. It is only human nature to just remember the pleasant things and brush over the serious things that have a real world impact. For example people will remember the legalisation of gay marriage with great fondness and forget about the remarks made by members of UKIP, that blamed this milestone event for the terrible flooding earlier in the year. People will remember the World Cup in Brazil this summer, but they will conveniently forget the protests and anger towards FiFa by the people living there.
 People may also remember the strikes by public workers, but what the mainstream media has done so well is, make them seem like the villains of the story and completely glosses over the main issue which is: Austerity doesn’t work all it does is transfer the wealth from the people to the top .1%, in actual fact the debt has increased, this is plain robbery!

To begin with the most urgent issue which is the flooding, people may recall the devastation caused by the floods but many people will still be reluctant in making any connection to climate change. For at least the last five years the summers have shortened while the winters have started to be more and more extreme and longer- this is what climate change is, and because it is happening sooner than expected we will have very little time to adapt, all you have to do is take a look at how this country responded to the events in January!
 And what is also rather terrifying is that this backwards thinking government has adopted the dirty and most environmentally damaging method of getting so called clean energy: FRACKING, which the U.S have had for about 10 years and it has proven to increased the rate of health risks and isn’t even worth it in economic sense. And all this talk about it bringing jobs and prosperity to the area is complete horse crap, what they don’t tell you is that they are short term jobs and they will most likely leave you with a hefty cleaning bill.
 I mean the very fact that politicians had to give “incentives” (which is just another word for bribery) should tell you how much this enterprise will benefit the ordinary people- Not that much! When the government is more interested in making a profit and helping corporation rather than the ordinary people, then it is time to worry, because the main objective for a corporation is only interested in get a large profit and boosting their share-price for the shareholders, they couldn’t give a damm about the people. And when that starts to happen, the people will be made to suffer.

Talking about the government caring more about corporate power than the people, earlier this year they tried to force Genetically Modified Organisms or GMO’s into the market. Does anyone see a pattern emerging? They tend to follow everything the States are doing, just 10 years later, and again it has been proven that gmo’s lead to long term health risks. But you see, a multinational doesn’t care about long term risks to your health as long as they make the quick profit before anyone notices and by then they’ll do everything they can to dismiss your claim that eating gmo’s caused it.
What can the people do when the people they elect are working against their interests?? Kick them out and make a new government. That’s what a democracy is all about, active participation by the people…. But then I forget.. This isn’t a democracy it’s closer to a Plutocracy/ Neo Feudalism/ Corporatism or just the one that no one wants to admit: Fascism.
The “ powers that be” have already limited our ability to get our voices heard and one of the ways they have done it is by criminalising any and all forms of protest and by limiting our ways of getting information by controlling the media and treating whistle-blowers like traitors, when in actual fact the government has betrayed all of us and they will either use intimidation tactics to try and scare the journalist like Glenn Greenwald or they will send them to prison like the staff from Al Jazeera, who have been in an Egyptian jail for 368 days and counting.
They have even gone as far as trying to control the internet and make it harder for the average Joe to get access to information. Is this the acts of a free and open society? 

I haven’t even gone into the failed economics by Reagan and Thatcher whose failed economic policies have led to the disaster of today and the taking away of power by trade unions- to protect the workforce and giving more power to the Banksters( to screw over the workforce!) by giving them free reign to gamble with our life savings and when the crash happens again they can just help themselves to our lifesavings in the form of Bail Ins or the slow annexation of Gaza by Israel and how thousands of lives were lost in the “conflict” in the summer, which was a hugely uneven fight, or the importance of the Scottish Referendum or the ever wise UKIP and their “ Are you here illegally?” campaign, but not to forget the “ homeless spikes” in London… oh how compassionate this country is (!) One positive thing amount this country is that we don’t shoot or choke our own ( mainly black) citizen, unlike the US, but give it time, the police will soon be allowed to use Tasers on the public and don’t forget the water cannons that Boris the clown wants to bring in!
One can always read some of my previous articles to remind yourself about what significant things happened in 2014.( Or you could put aside your prejudices and watch RT and of course the Keisar Report, Thom Hartman or Al Jazeera)

But I leave it in your capable minds to determine what was important in the 12 months gone by…..Here’s to (the imminent crash of) 2015!

Happy New Year? 

Extortion by the transportation companies

I still don't understand the reasoning behind the continued price hikes for train tickets, it is called public transport for a reason, how do they expect the public to afford it when you keep raising the price so that only wealthy people can use it, but of course they don't because they have drivers to drive them.

The spokesman for the rail industry keeps saying how they reinvest all the money to provide the traveler with a better travel experience, what a bunch of horse crap! They continue to rise the price so their shareholders get more dividends, They don't care about us, if they did it would have never been privatised.

The service has not improved, you are still met with long delays and when you do finally get on you can hardly breathe let alone get a seat because it is so packed with sweaty people. And that is hardly good for a person with any kind of disability. There is always a gap between the train and platform which sometimes is so big you actually have to hop across! And instead of addressing this issue as a serious fault, they turn it into a money making scheme by selling " mind the gap" t -shirts and mugs for all the tourists who all come to London to get ripped off.

And what should cause great shame but instead brings out great pride is the generally filth and vomit that can be found on display, especially today, when people go to their New Years Eve parties. Fair enough the people what to get so drunk as to erase the past 12 crappy months but do they really need to urinate and vomit in the stations? Don't you people understand that this is how diseases spread, so if the wealthy elites invest some money in simple things like cleaners, you are actually saving yourselves. And as London is supposedly a major tourist hub, what kind of image are you trying to send out?

More importantly than the bad behaviour by the public is the lack of concern from the train companies, why don't they hire extra cleaners during those periods? The answer is fairly obvious to anyone paying attention- It costs money and by hiring more cleaning staff will cut into their profits. You see companies only have loyalty towards profit, anything else is someone else's problem, which is the ordinary people. This isn't even proper capitalism because there is no competition. for the average person public transport is the only way to get into London, the whole system is made in a way to force you into a car, but than parking in London is awful and not to forget the congestion charge. This is just another tax on the poor, and what I don't understand is that in the age of green energy to help save the planet, why are they forcing us into vehicals that is killing the planet??

There has been no investment in public transport/ infrastructure from the days of Thatcher up to the present day of Cameron and it's not as if Labour are any better- they are all a manifestation of the same thing- Elitist snobs or Eton toffs!

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

" In the age of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"- George Orwell

It may seem rather cliche' to be quoting Owell, but most of what he has said through his writing has become the norm, but the scariest thing about it is that no one seems all that bothered by it.

In June last year people became aware that the government had been spying on them and yes, there was outrage but there were still those who were nonchalant about it. It's as if people are not able to connect the dots-- constant surveillance-- limits on freedom= a closed society. The media does it's job in downplaying the seriousness of it, but what people tend to forget is what is then done with the information that is gathered, the majority of the time it is used for marketing purposes and flooding you with junk mail and everyone can agree that is just plain irritating! But other times it can be used to persecute a minority of the population i.e all Muslims are potential terrorists.

One simply has to look at the constant bombardment of image on the " news" making the connection of violent crimes to Islam. And this is why having experienced and well trained investigating reporting is needed because they will feel the need to give all the information and not make it so simplistic because life is not simple and it's dangerous to think that way,  unfortunately proper journalism seems to be a dying breed and why are they dying out?? Because governments have started to deem their work as an act of terror, how can keeping the public well informed about issues that effect them an act of terror? The people in power forget about the banks that have and are continuing to commit large amounts of fraud against the people but if you dare to tell the people about the criminal acts the government is committing against the people, you will find your self on some watch-list. That should show you who's really number one in their minds, but the worse thing is that they have the people tricked into believing that this is the way that it should be and it's making me sick!

The people have been duped into believing that politics and foreign policy have no impact on their lives and that if the people want to be a constructive member of society they should spend all their waking hours working for peanuts and then making sure they get into debt because they spent all their peanuts and have nothing left, so in the end they are working until they are dead.

The mainstream media has an obligation to inform the public and not just focus on entertainment and ratings. One of the many problems with the media is, is that they are all run by accounts, and all accountants care about is profit they don't care about the quality or even if it's factually accurate. The news media needs to be have the facts, one would think that would be top priority for any news organisation.. but not for the ones that are in the pockets of big business and government. I mean it doesn't make any sense to " out" your boss, because you'll be out of pocket very soon.

The news media has a new and more lucrative job, and that is to distract the public, so when the City of London is robbing you blind they will hype up a story on immigrants or people on welfare bleeding the government dry, oh no, it has nothing to do with the huge TAXPAYER bailout you gave them, it is our own fault. And when you have so called investigative journalist repeating this horse shit, the people will tend to believe it, and when people are not able to think for themselves or at a higher level than 16 because education has been privatized, people will start to direct there anger at the most vulnerable in the society.

That is why we need mainstream media to be a little brave and ask more question, they are there to get to the truth not to make the interviewee feel comfortable!

Monday, 22 December 2014

Is anyone out there?

I seem to be repeating myself to no avail, but this is worth repeating because everyone is so intent in forgetting.

Steps of a closing society
Step 1: Invoke an external and internal threat

Step 2: Secret prison where torture can take place

Step 3: Develop a paramilitary force

Step 4: Surveil ordinary citizens

Step 5: Infiltrate citizens groups

Step 6: Detain and release ordinary citizens

Step 8: Restrict the press

Step 9: Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason

Step 10 Subvert the rule of law.

We can safely conclude that this society has gone through all these steps, so what makes this country a democracy??

Friday, 19 December 2014

Sleep walking into disaster

The only way that anything can get better is if you take a hard look at the problem and admit that you have one, that is why nothing will improve here, because they don't admit that they have a problem and the people are to distracted and drunk to realise that the government has sold their future and has forced them into a life of servitude.

Any fool can see that we are heading into another financial crisis, the people in power are already preparing for it, mind you, they are doing nothing to help us only the very top 1%, now, it was my understanding that this was a  great democracy!  The ass holes only care about their next pay day and in order to do that they have to appease the banksters and the corporations how else are they going to get a job with them afterwards? Just take Tony Blair; he is an ambassador for JP Morgan- one of the major league scuzz balls that contributed to this mess!

Has anyone been charged, and by anyone I mean anyone of any significance. All they've done is changed the law a little so that it looks like the government is trying to help the people when in actual fact they are just making it more easier for the banksters to screw us over by de regulations. What they are doing is punishing the people by cutting public services like The NHS and basically privatising education by making it stupidly expensive, they have managed to do all this by calling it austerity  but what it really should be called is wealth re distribution, they are taking all the money from savers and handing it over to the speculator, the very shmucks that caused this mess, how is that logical?!

The government is punishing the people for wanting free healthcare, decent roads and public transport, for having some financial support when they need it in the form of benefits. They have essentially criminalized the poor and helpless and deified the shmucks in the city of London.
The government has already put things in motion to protect themselves by making  it a criminal act to protest, and don't forget they've brought in the water cannons!

The people will really feel it this time especially when the bankster just take money straight out of our saving accounts.

The main attributes of a democracy is the active participation of the people, how is this a democracy if the government is actively trying to shut down our participation?

Ponder that for a moment.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

What's in a name?

" If you call a rose by any other name, wouldn't it smell just as sweet?". Assigning a name to something gives it a particular meaning that can shape a debate, and something that is appalling is suddenly acceptable because of the way that the media and people in power frame it. For example by framing a certain issue by calling it a war, makes it seem like both sides have a chance at winning or defending themselves and causes some people to react differently when you see bodies of women and children. But when you ask more questions and start to understand that one side has a professional army while the other has a "makeshift military", you see it for what it is, an extermination. And another word that has become more and more acceptable is " collateral damage" which is the killing of civilians, which should never be an acceptable cost!

Another term that has always confused me is the phrase friendly fire  which brings up an image of something more innocent than accidentally shooting my colleague  it should be called an accidental shooting, but it isn't because they don't want to admit to people that they are so incompetence that they shoot their own people, this would cause them to truly question their methods.

More recently the term Enhanced Interrogation Technique has been used instead of calling it what it is- Torture. You see, they're smart, because they know they can get away with calling it this and they have been getting away with it for over 13 years! And also by calling it an interrogation technique they some how make it perfectly legal to strip someone naked and have him chained to the floor, forget the fact that it doesn't work and all it is really doing is making sure that a large group of people hate you. 

I recently read that the UK wants this report and their activities to remain secret (most likely), which just shows me how much of a sheep this government is, that they will do anything the US demands of them and the fact that they want to hide it from the public tells me something else, they want to be able to continue doing these atrocious crimes against humanity but still lat claim to being the moral beacon of the world, which just goes to show they are even worse than the US!

Let's us not forget the role the media plays in all this, they create a narrative and plant the phrases so the public just goes along with it not realizing that these thought are not their own, but of the morons in charge, but I have to to admit that if you just accept what is being told to you though the media, there is something wrong with that too, because let's not forget that the mainstre
am media is just a mouthpiece for the so- called ruling class.