Saturday, 20 September 2014

Back to the Past

It truly amazes me when I see people all puffed up and proud of this shithole of a country- most of the Scots knew that's why they wanted to leave!

There was an article I read once that noted that Britain was getting more and more like Downturn Abbey! Now this is not something a supposed developed country wants to aspire to, do you really want to regress in an age where there were the super rich and the rest of us were just servants getting raped and constantly abused and living in the gutters and no one ever giving a damm  about your well being- oh wait a second, that how it is here! People are just not paying attention, they get easily distracted and caught up in the frenzy whipped up by the media that they don't realise that they have returned to Victorian Britain!

Just take this Scottish Vote for independence as an example of the mainstream media taking an issue and whipping everyone into a frenzy while the Tory scum have sneaked in a law that basically kills off free speech by criminalizing dissent, this is a major step in a closing society- just read my previous posts.

I urge people to wake up to the huge step back we have all just allowed to happen... because you were all so distracted-and drunk!

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