Sunday, 21 September 2014

Money over Mankind?

Again there was a protest march in London with thousands people that doesn't get the air time on mainstream media that it deserves. People all over the world are trying to get a message out to the people and the message is that there is a greater threat to mankind than ISIL and it is Climate Change. Whether you want to believe it or not, it is our fault it is happening so fast and we will not be able to stop it all we can do is try to put a band aid on it, but the first thing that we still have to do is to convince some people that we have a problem!

As sad and angry that it makes me there are still people who doubt that it is a bad thing!(mostly Americans and Fox so called news!) The media has a lot to do with this perception and you know why???? Because many of them are owned by big oil, so they are not exactly going to bad mouth the people who are paying their wages! It saddens me when the need for corporate profits is valued over our survival. Some very naive people may claim that it natural for some places to have violent storms while other places are suffering from droughts and forest fires, it may be natural to have them but the sheer amount is extreme and it is happening far to quickly for us to adapt.

The people who bemoan that it is natural I would tell them that growing old and getting wrinkles is "natural", so why do they spend all there time and money trying to stop that, but above all... why do the corporation spend millions in this industry? The very simple answer is money. There is more money to be made in trying to keep us looking young than trying to save the planet.

The really sad thing is that the poorer countries will suffer the brunt of it. low lying countries like Bangladesh etc especially from rising sea levels. And what do you think droughts will do to all the crops?? We will face having to pay a higher and higher amount for the most basic items. People watch too many movies, they think it will be dramatic and happen immediately, will will start to die off slowly because we can't afford to heat our homes or buy food and anyone who has been paying attention will see the amount of storms and unpredictable weather has been going on for at least the last 10-15 years.

The sad thing is, that until it affects the very rich ( the tory toffs!) the rest of us will be forced to suffer the affects of Climate Change. And just because it may be nice and warm where you are now, doesn't mean it's not happening and that's also why it's called GLOBAL WARMING!

Why is it that when the bankers committed huge amounts of fraud ( and are still!) they get a government handout ASAP but when the people are ultimately going to suffer they have no money to give, if anything they have actually been cutting public funding for the last 30 years! That should tell you how much of a priority the people are to the government, they just care about one thing...MONEY and doesn't that mean this society is less of a democracy and is leaning more to Fascism??

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Enough said!

Back to the Past

It truly amazes me when I see people all puffed up and proud of this shithole of a country- most of the Scots knew that's why they wanted to leave!

There was an article I read once that noted that Britain was getting more and more like Downturn Abbey! Now this is not something a supposed developed country wants to aspire to, do you really want to regress in an age where there were the super rich and the rest of us were just servants getting raped and constantly abused and living in the gutters and no one ever giving a damm  about your well being- oh wait a second, that how it is here! People are just not paying attention, they get easily distracted and caught up in the frenzy whipped up by the media that they don't realise that they have returned to Victorian Britain!

Just take this Scottish Vote for independence as an example of the mainstream media taking an issue and whipping everyone into a frenzy while the Tory scum have sneaked in a law that basically kills off free speech by criminalizing dissent, this is a major step in a closing society- just read my previous posts.

I urge people to wake up to the huge step back we have all just allowed to happen... because you were all so distracted-and drunk!

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Sound familiar?!!!


Has anyone really taken the time to really think about where we are heading as a society, it doesn't take a genius to understand that profit is more important than the people, just try and remember what happened as soon as the banks were beginning to wobble.... the were given a Government handouts while we were forced to deal with a swathe of austerity measures.

What was basically done was a transfer of wealth to the top while the rest of us were getting kicked out of our homes and finding it increasingly hard to just survive! And the saddest part about this is that they have diverted the blame to the people, so while we fight among ourselves they are probably relaxing on a beach somewhere! How is this fair or how can this country call itself Great when they are turning it into the new third world.

Just take a look at who is getting their funding slashed... Teachers, The NHS, Social services and Welfare programs so basically anything that can help the people. Even the States are starting to move towards a more affordable healthcare for everyone, we are starting to morph into what they were like 10 years later!!

Public services should remain public and not be for profit. I see the healthcare in the States might be improving ( slowly) but I see their education system is just as frakked up! They have schools that sole objective is profit and that means that the quality of education goes down because it doesn't make any business sense to spend all that money on getting qualified teachers, they will instead use that money on marketing to trick more people to join! When you only care about the " bottom line" anything that may cause it to shrink like qualification or proper safety checks or quality control will go out the window, just take a look at a certain car company that was so cheap to fix the problem in the first place they killed 13 people.

The people should stand together and save our Public services from the clutches of corporate interest!

Thursday, 11 September 2014

It's for your own good...

.. A lot of people may think this but is it actually true? The States often say this they admit that they are an imperial power but they are a good  imperial power... newsflash even Darth Vader thought he was doing good!!! It's not just about what you say but what you do, just look at the way they treat everyone else- " give me everything or we'll invade you and take it anyway. These are the acts of bullies, and bullies with nuclear weapons is a dangerous thing.

Forget about how they treat the world just look at how they treat their own citizens. An absurd amount of people are homeless, there is a huge gap between the wealthy and the poor and the poor are often demonized and treated as an illness that needs to be eradicated. The politic of that country is that if you have huge amounts of wealth you can have anything, you can even be exempt from the rule of law. That is not a democracy, that is a plutocracy, and if the ordinary people dare to complain or protest the injustices they are ignore by everyone or met with a hyper militarized police force.

This is not a model you want to copy Mr Cameron!