Sunday, 31 August 2014

Below Par Britain

I still cannot understand what makes this country “Great”, what made it a decent place to live was how it still had some decent social programe and a free and accessible healthcare, that is all starting to evaporate because this country has a dredged fascination with all things American, and America is all about the individual and screwing everyone else to get to the top.. but the top of what??

It makes me incredible sad when I see how life is like across the pond and how we are going in a similar direction, we should be looking towards the Scandinavian countries like; Sweden, Denmark and Norway, instead we are trying to imitate a country that has failed the population on a grand scale…. But of course, the politicians are not looking at the average people but they are looking at the corporations and the millionaires they completely overlook the extreme poverty, malnutrition,  the large number of homeless people, the fact that most of the population have a shorter than average life expectancy, all these toffs are just trying to figure out: how the American Government screws the population  and gets away with all their wealth in turn becoming multi millionaires themselves. To my knowledge this is not the purpose of a Government.

Big corporations are all about the money and the government is supposed to protect the population from their exploitative techniques not trying to get a share of the loot! To the best of my knowledge this is Fascism and didn’t we fight 2 World Wars against this very thing?! But the more I look at what’s going on around the world, the more I think that all we did was lull it to sleep- all you have to do is look around and see that it has returned under different names. The spy scandal should have been a huge kick in the face, this just goes to show that we’re not free, because just knowing that everything you do or saying is being recorded and could be used against you at a later date is enough to alter the way you would normally behave. Essentially they have taken away your freedom to be yourself- how are you free again??

There is a huge inequality in wealth and the middle class has been obliterated!  People who don’t pay any attention will think that it happened overnight, but it didn’t, this is the result of 30 years of excess and cheap credit. Not many people know this and the “ powers that be” refuse to acknowledge this but if the profits from the North Sea Oil were used for the people like the Scandinavian countries did, instead of just making the rich richer and not having a care for anyone else, we probably wouldn’t be in this mess.

This government doesn’t think like that do they?? They don’t believe in improving the infrastructure, education or healthcare.. no, in such a genius move they have decided to cut funding in everything that might actually help the public, instead they have rewarded fraud and the biggest form of financial rape buy all these corporations by adapting the rules so that they can continue and the powers that be will get their cut while the rest of us are living in shoe boxes struggling to fee ourselves!!  The saddest thing about this is that they have the people in a sort of brainwashed state and actually have the public fighting against their own interests. The bankers have become like the new Aristocracy, you will get fined for talking back to them!

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