The most serious situation and the one incident that has been overlooked by the major news networks but is more of a threat than the terrorism threat that has been paraded in every form known to man, is climate change. Haven't people noticed how more extreme the weather is and how our summers are getting shorter and shorter? Britain can't even cope when we get a bit of snow, when that happens the whole of the country shuts down and how much damage did the recent floods do to the already failing infrastructure? What do you think that's going to do to the " economy"? People will not be able to adapt because it's happening too quickly, we have condemed all the species on this planet and all because we were too stupid and slow to see the signs and try to do something about it, all this talk now is just a band aid to the problem, because we've past the point where we could have done anything about it.
Yet most mainstream news channels will only dedicate 2 minutes and most of that time is used to place doubt into our minds. How can there still be debate around it when in any given day it can suddenly feel like Summer and then go directly to Winter in a matter of hours?!!! Society gets to easily distracted by the trivial things like UKiP, The X Factor, The Eurovision song contest and the Royals, I mean people are more invested in what their football team is doing than the fact that they continues to get financially raped by the " Banksters". I implore people to stop and pay attention to what's going on all around you, people are suffering in this so called Great Britain and the media is doing a bang up job brushing it all under the rug!
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