Does anyone pay attention to what's happening to their food- GMO's anyone? It isn't going to benefit anyone but the big corporations, no matter what BS they are chucking around it's not going to solve world hunger!! Do you really want to be like the States where having bloody diarrhea and anal leakage is a common occurrence?? How about the whole spying thing? I brought up this issue in a conversation with a friend and her reply was that of a person who doesn't care, and that is disturbing. People have become so distracted by things like the x factor or the royal baby that they are completely blind to what's going on, and what's going on is that this society is closing because we have stopped paying attention.

Also I hear a lot of Euro bashing and I got to say I don't like it! When I see them protesting or striking, you know what I see... Intelligence, because those people know the injustice of bailing out the banks while letting the people suffer. Europe is still full of so much beauty and culture that is worth fighting for, what culture is there her??? Being a drunk and pissing in the street.
This country has its priorities all wrong and that is what happens when you allow big money into politics? People have to realize how far from "democracy" that is.
Who are real slackers,the people who will risk everything to see that people know the truth like Mr Snowden and the people protesting all across Europe or you, the people who are just oblivious to the fact that you are modern day slaves??
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