Thursday, 10 October 2013

Indentured servitude..

When one thinks of this word the image of a person who is not in their right mind pops into their heads, one would assume. I believe this entire country has fallen prey to insanity, to roughly put into words; insanity is when someone does the same thing over and over again expecting a different and better outcome.

The whole “ help to buy” scheme pops into my mind. Has everyone just conveniently forgotten that the financial crisis came about in part because of the housing bubble and the subsequent “popping” of that bubble? And how do you think that happened?? Because people were pushed into taking out a mortgage on a house, knowing full well they will not be able to pay it back! All this scheme is doing is creating an equal if not larger bubble that will inevitably lead to a greater crash.
The Prime Minister may just be a giant turd in a suit, but he does understand the mindset of the people, and who wouldn’t they are such simple creatures after all. 

This country is so committed to getting into the housing market… but why?? The house will never be enjoyed by you because you will be working your entire lives and that of future generation trying to pay it off, so why not just rent?
The answer is simple, the policies of this country are only in favor of people who own property and they brainwash you from a young age to want to own a house. There also is no incentive or protection for those who want to rent instead of buying a property and having to live out the rest of their lives in debt to the banksters! Just an example if your land lord wants to kick you out, they can do so whenever they please and if they want to be subtle about kicking you out all they have to do is raise the rent so high that you’ll have to leave!
Why in the world would a government want its people to live in such hardship? It’s rather simple actually, they care more about the banks and lining their pocket with all that money than you! Now what does that remind me of, the fact that the policies are more directed to profit than the welfare of the people?... oh yeah FASCISM!

The only person the scheme is likely to help is the PM himself, because people have the collective memory of a goldfish all they will remember is that his initiative helped them get a house not knowing that it doesn’t really belong to you! This is bribery pure and simple another scheme to keep him in power and fracking the people for another 5 years.  all this has done has inflated the prices so high to make sure they will never go down to a reasonable price!!

Like I said before, all he is really helping is the emerging Aristocrats- the BANKSTERS!

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