Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Remember this....

Never forget….

The world is looking  darker and increasingly more dangerous- especially if you’re Muslim. People often forget or choose to ignore the simple fact that we never destroyed fascism; all we did is suppress the most violent acts of that particular ideology.  We still have a strong racists element to our culture; just take a look at what going on, firstly all the news outlets make sure to make everyone associate a certain race with criminal activities and acts of terror, this century those individuals are of a Middle East or Asian descent. And if that’s not enough to anger the mob they make sure you resent them for some other reasons, the most popular and most recent is that they have taken our jobs! This is enough to push the mass into a frenzy and lets the Government  use discriminatory methods to kick people out of the country and make sure no one can get in- they simply call this immigration reform, didn’t the Nazi do this to the Jews?
 The west has become so complacent with their easy way of life that they have forgotten the true value of the freedoms they enjoyed, and when every last remnant is gone, they will understand that all we did is replace one fascist regime for another. We have given in to Corporate Fascism. In its simplest terms corporate fascism is when Government and corporation get together to determine what’s really important, and what have we discovered?? Profit above everything else is of the highest priority. The powers that be are already trying to force GMO product onto people even though a large majority of the people don’t want it. They will probably succeed with their “ fracking” programs in the country, even though it is a direct danger to the population and shale gas is not exactly environmentally friendly! But who cares about the planet and the fact that we are destroying local plants and wildlife and contaminating the water supply, as long as they get a big wad of useless pieces of paper, they don’t care that they’re killing future generations.
The bankers have made sure that those pieces of paper are not worth as much as they once were. People still don’t get it, the very obvious fact , that the banks swindled us out of all our money and like the big muppets that we are, we bailed them out using public money! It’s not as if the way of thinking has changed at the major banks, they are going to keep gambling with our money and we’re going to keep paying them to do so, because we’re a bunch of muppets!  Do people even realise how they were able to commit mass fraud onto the world’s economy?  By allowing a massive deregulation of the banks we’ve ultimately made the accountable to no one! And what do you think happens when you let a bunch of sociopaths out unsupervised? MASS CARNAGE AND PANIC. But above all, it will lead to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and the eventual disappearance of the middle class.
A number of issues that have recently come to light will further prove that we do not live in a democracy but in a closed society. The fact that there is this mass network of surveillance and we have no right to object or criticise the government for allowing this or we will be subject of arrests with no actual charges.  They’ve already started to restrict the press by walking into the Guardian and destroying the files on the Snowden revelations, therefore restricting our knowledge about what the Government is really up to, and they will use any means necessary to make sure the press keep quiet, including intimidating family members.  They’ve already changed the language used when talking about criticism and dissention and have labelled such acts as treason and espionage.
But fear not people, I’m sure there will be environmental cataclysm before anyone decides to wake up from the “ zombiestate” they have been in for the past couple of decades. Everyone has seemed to forgotten about the Gulf of Mexico spill in 2010 or the Fukishima disaster in 2011 or the devastation in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, just because you decide not to report on these issues doesn’t mean they will disappear, lives are still left devastated and the oceans will never be clean after soo much oil and toxic wasted is dumped there. This unique planet is our only home, please don’t destroy it.

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