Thursday, 29 August 2013

Mother nature will be pissed...

And I don't blame her, just look at what we're doing to all her wonders...
We're fracking it up for future generations...
Welcome to the economics of extinction = destroy everything for "profits"!!

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

De ja Vu'.....

.....All over again!

Has  everyone just forgotten how much of a debacle the Iraq conflict still is, and they’re thinking about jumping into another conflict and what is their reasoning, yeah, they have to bomb the frak out of it in order to liberate the people! And I ask again, have they learnt nothing after Iraq? Well, the press obviously haven’t!
During the run up to the Iraq conflict the majors players were peddling this horsecrap about WMDs, and need I remind you they found none! But that did stop the press from pushing this idea into the public consciousness, fair enough the people believed it after all the media frenzy but the so called journalist should have investigated further instead of just assuming what they were hearing was the truth, they should have done their job which is to fully investigate and research what was going on instead of just going with the consensus.
How many innocent people died because they were too weak to question authority?  Has anyone actually stopped to think of how many families they destroyed and how many children they have mentally scarred for life? And do you really believe they’re glad you intervened?? And the West are doing the same thing all over again, they’re just a bunch of warmongering b**tards and they’ve wanted this for the past two years, or have you all forgotten that the Syrian conflict has been going on for this long, it’s funny how the mainstream media have remembered them now! I’m sure it won’t be long before we go into Egypt!
All this money spent on war, but they insist they have none for the NHS, welfare or education, rather curious don’t you think?

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Remember this....

Never forget….

The world is looking  darker and increasingly more dangerous- especially if you’re Muslim. People often forget or choose to ignore the simple fact that we never destroyed fascism; all we did is suppress the most violent acts of that particular ideology.  We still have a strong racists element to our culture; just take a look at what going on, firstly all the news outlets make sure to make everyone associate a certain race with criminal activities and acts of terror, this century those individuals are of a Middle East or Asian descent. And if that’s not enough to anger the mob they make sure you resent them for some other reasons, the most popular and most recent is that they have taken our jobs! This is enough to push the mass into a frenzy and lets the Government  use discriminatory methods to kick people out of the country and make sure no one can get in- they simply call this immigration reform, didn’t the Nazi do this to the Jews?
 The west has become so complacent with their easy way of life that they have forgotten the true value of the freedoms they enjoyed, and when every last remnant is gone, they will understand that all we did is replace one fascist regime for another. We have given in to Corporate Fascism. In its simplest terms corporate fascism is when Government and corporation get together to determine what’s really important, and what have we discovered?? Profit above everything else is of the highest priority. The powers that be are already trying to force GMO product onto people even though a large majority of the people don’t want it. They will probably succeed with their “ fracking” programs in the country, even though it is a direct danger to the population and shale gas is not exactly environmentally friendly! But who cares about the planet and the fact that we are destroying local plants and wildlife and contaminating the water supply, as long as they get a big wad of useless pieces of paper, they don’t care that they’re killing future generations.
The bankers have made sure that those pieces of paper are not worth as much as they once were. People still don’t get it, the very obvious fact , that the banks swindled us out of all our money and like the big muppets that we are, we bailed them out using public money! It’s not as if the way of thinking has changed at the major banks, they are going to keep gambling with our money and we’re going to keep paying them to do so, because we’re a bunch of muppets!  Do people even realise how they were able to commit mass fraud onto the world’s economy?  By allowing a massive deregulation of the banks we’ve ultimately made the accountable to no one! And what do you think happens when you let a bunch of sociopaths out unsupervised? MASS CARNAGE AND PANIC. But above all, it will lead to the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer and the eventual disappearance of the middle class.
A number of issues that have recently come to light will further prove that we do not live in a democracy but in a closed society. The fact that there is this mass network of surveillance and we have no right to object or criticise the government for allowing this or we will be subject of arrests with no actual charges.  They’ve already started to restrict the press by walking into the Guardian and destroying the files on the Snowden revelations, therefore restricting our knowledge about what the Government is really up to, and they will use any means necessary to make sure the press keep quiet, including intimidating family members.  They’ve already changed the language used when talking about criticism and dissention and have labelled such acts as treason and espionage.
But fear not people, I’m sure there will be environmental cataclysm before anyone decides to wake up from the “ zombiestate” they have been in for the past couple of decades. Everyone has seemed to forgotten about the Gulf of Mexico spill in 2010 or the Fukishima disaster in 2011 or the devastation in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, just because you decide not to report on these issues doesn’t mean they will disappear, lives are still left devastated and the oceans will never be clean after soo much oil and toxic wasted is dumped there. This unique planet is our only home, please don’t destroy it.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Ignorance is strength....

But for w

I remember growing up in a world when having a thirst for knowledge was a good thing and the aspiration to fame was an afterthought, and I’m not that old, barely 30! Kids now have an abundance of information at their fingertips yet they are still blind to what is going on in the world around them. They are far too easily distracted by the most trivial issues
such as the royal baby or the enormous spending by their sports team. This is in large part due to the devastating decline in today’s media.
Just go back a few weeks and the mainstream media made a particular door extremely famous. For what seemed like an eternity, the press were camped outside the hospital waiting for a glimpse of the royal baby, it was pathetic! This should have been a 5 minute segment on the news at most but it went on and on and you couldn’t escape it, it was everywhere! Now tell me, how is it news when every “news network” is showing the same thing?
News reporters are trying to bring more of an entertainment aspect into the news in the hopes to boost the ratings, and in doing so they have cut the quality of the program substantially. And not only that but by letting standards slip they will actually lose some of their current viewers, but they don’t have to worry, there are plenty of superficial people to take their place! In the meantime the people who want a higher level of reporting have to doing some investigative journalism of their own to try and uncover a proper news channel!

And why are there so many people out there that are happy in their ignorance?? In one word: EDUCATION. There is less and less emphasis on education and more on entertainment. There used to be a time where you could have both in the same show! I know, it’s a radical thought but cartoons of my day used to teach kid about tolerance and accepting that people had strengths and weaknesses different to yours, there used to be less emphasis on selling merchandise and more time devoted on telling a good story.
By making sure you start to make shows more informative and entertaining for kids, will in turn lead to adults placing more on an emphases on the information rather than all the gimmicks the news channels try and distract you with. But like I said before it’s all about ratings, it’s a sad thing to think about how many people are actually taken in by this kind of “reporting”, but if you demand to know more, then you might get more. But of course certain people don’t want you to know more and will go as far as intimidating any journalist that actually does their job, like Glen Greenwalds of The Guardian.
The government didn’t like the fact that he was actually telling the people what was going on around them, so they held his partner for 9 hours at Heathrow airport under the Terrorism act. I didn’t realise that doing your job and providing people with real new was an act of terror?? The mere fact that “the powers that be” went as far as using intimidation tactics to try stop you from doing your job, just goes to show you how far back we have gone as a civilization. They would rather have use starting at a door for weeks than look at what’s really going on!
People should be able to discern between news and entertainment, but sadly as the education system is gutted there will be more and more people who can’t tell the difference, and that my friends, will lead to a large portion of the population believing everything on TV with no desire to question more.
Here’s hoping that there are more people like Glenn Greenwald in the world, willing to do their jobs with the upmost integrity.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Taxing the poor?-( Fascist Britain?)

To my knowledge taxation is  ultimately meant to help the people, it’s meant to fund public services such as health, education and infrastructure. This government is doing the exact opposite; they are taking money from the poor to help fund the rich and privileged. Vital components such as health and education is being cut and don’t even get me started on the infrastructure in this country…. It’s a joke! The roads are full of cracks and pot holes and there is some constantly repairing the gas and water pipe because the companies are too incompetent and cheap to do it right the first time and the so called public transport is becoming more and more expensive with no improvement such as journey time or the frequency of the service. How come there is no outrage??
For so many people travelling into London using the trains are the only way to get into work, they have no other choice but to waste half their wage packet on getting the outlandishly priced tickets. Isn’t the government meant to stop this from happening? Government is meant to serve the needs of the people, but they are just interest in getting their share of the profits while the people suffer. The prices are so high that only the rich can afford to get into London, but I highly doubt they would set a foot on public transport, they have hired cars for their trips into London!
During the Olympics there were rumours that there were people getting asked to leave, this was essentially the toffs way of ensuring that the world will only see the pretty side of London so all the poor people were asked to leave. They may not have succeeded then, but by raising the ticket prices and cost of living annually while wages remain stagnate, it’s only a matter of time when central London is merely for the privileged and tourists.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

In the grace of science..

We may be living longer but our we living any better? People are obese and have numerous health issues including stress related disorders ans anxiety, the only reason we are living this long is because of medicine not because the world is suddenly a better place.

But do we really want to live that long? Look around you, perpetual war, food shortages, rise in obesity ( mostly in the western world) resources being stretched to the limits, climate change and not to mention the divide between the rich and the poor is wider than ever!

There are more people in this country that have to rely on food banks to survive!! What kind of frakkin development is that?! This is not progress, we've headed back to the Victorian times, no change at all, certainly not the sewege sytem as most of the plumbing in London was backed up recently!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Profits instead of survival?

Are people just really stupid or am I missing something.David "poopyhead" Cameron is trying to force people to accept "fracking" by giving the councils a bribe of £100k, oops I didn't mean bribe! It's part of the incentive programme
- and can you believe there are still some people out there that aren't aware that this country is just as corrupt and stupid as any third world country. He's also peddeling this fairy tale that if we find shale gas that all our money worries will disappear because energy prices will star to go down, no they won't, no matter how cost efficient it might be for them, they'll still find a way to screw us over!

The US has had fracking for years now and they're dealing with the consequences. they have contaminated water, increases in cancers and other illnesses not to mention the noise and air pollution, so basically they have had to give up the basic things they need for survival for something that is only good for businesses! As a species, we cannot live without clean drinking water and clean air to breathe, and this is no way for future generations to live.

Cameran goes on and on about it's such a success in the States and how we are missing out....Really! Who are all the people protesting and why are their so many complaints about it if everyone is so happy?? It's because the big businesses are getting richer while the actual people are getting screwed over, the American people have realized that it was a mistake, so why do we want to copy their mistake? The US is a big country and this is probably why they thought they could get away with destroying parts of it, but the UK is tiny comparatively they can't afford the risk associated with drilling deep into the group and mixing all kinds of chemical with tons of water into the ground and risking contamination of the groundwater.

But is he thinking about any of this, no, he just cares about money the stupid toff! Does he really think money is going to save him when we run out of water or clean air to breathe? The human creature is such a selfish being, are you even think about all the wildlife you'll be sentencing to death because you've frakked up their home and their water sources??!! No, because all you care about is the bottom line, now what does that sound like, oh yeah FACSISM! This is a unilateral decision that you've made for the benefits your interests and you aren't even concerned that large portions of the population don't want it, I urge the people in West Sussex not to trade in your pristine water for money, because when the water is gone there will be no bailout!

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Guilty pleasures?

This term has been used to describe an activity that we are slightly embarrassed off, yet they sill choose to do it- rather odd don't you think? Let's break the word in two, first of all if I feel guilty about doing something I tend not to repeat that activity. By saying something makes you feel guilty often implies it makes you feel bad, now why would you repeat it? And the second word is the exact opposite, pleasure describe something that gives you a sense of gratification. in other words it makes you feel good.

Guilty pleasure has often been described when so called smart people watch dumb shows, and their justification for this is that they "need a break from thinking", it's absurd when you think about it because modern day work is hardly rocket science, and another thing, getting into the habit of not thinking will ultimately lead to NEVER THINKING!

Just think about it ( I know it's hard!) Eating junk food used to be a " guilty pleasure" an now we are suffering from obesity because what used to a once in a month treat is now all we eat! Do you really want to live in a world surrounded by idiots? It would make passing obscene and outrages laws easier to pass because anyone with half a brain who could oppose it will be a thing of the past!

Saturday, 3 August 2013


Everywhere I look I see them, creatures just doing what they’re told without thinking anything of it- mindless empty shells just wondering around and consuming everything around them and never fully understanding the consequences.  People have become more and more brainwashed into believing this is the way things are meant to be. I’m sorry but I don’t believe consuming everything in your path is the way to go, in the end you’ll have nothing but debt and then what will you do? No one is coming to bail you out, as is evident by this Government’s policies.

Society has been fed a steady stream of lies and misinformation, it baffles me when I see how easily people are fooled into believing such things, things like they must buy property, they must have a family and get married or else something is wrong with them. First of all, you don’t own your home, you have to get a mortgage from the bank so in essence they own tour home, and it will more than likely take your whole life to pay off the bank and in the meantime you are stuck in that neighbourhood because you have not paid of the mortgage, and if you miss a payment due to you have a job that sucks and that pays a unlivable wage- you will get kicked to the kerb!

People have been told all their lives that by buying property you have an investment, but what they don’t tell you is that “investment” is losing value. The following are just a few things that have an impact on the value of your property: the location, if your neighbourhood suddenly takes a turn for the worst, for example if local businesses close down or suddenly the crime rate jumps up- all things are out of your control but all have a negative effect on your investment. Lest we forget , if your hose went up in smoke- well then it’s all gone. Now why would you invest everything in something that could just go up in a puff of smoke?

People who have homes will spend most of their time working to pay the bills, because let’s face it, the wages we all get now hardly leave room for anything else! And people who are  delusional enough to have kids will just have further bills that inevitably result in debt for future generations, this is called indentured servitude , it may not be the type of slavery that we have all read in textbooks but it is slavery.

The thing that can give me a migraine is that people know this and accept it as the norm. They’ve come to believe in this system of “ working till you die”, that they have actually grown to love it and even defend it if anyone tries to challenge it, the way people feel about being  in this circle of debt and slavery remind me a little of Stockholm Syndrome. The way the captives would form a bond with their captors is a bit how the public feels toward this broken and corrupt system, and what makes it even sicker is that they like suffering! The people in this so called developed society are nothing more than masochists!  

 We have not progressed at all if anything we are going backwards!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Mixed signals.

How much more do we as supporters have to suffer? First you get rid of Giaccherini after he had a brilliant Confederations Cup and now this whole Man U thing has reared its ugly head. I've had a brief glimmer of hope when I read that Claudio wants to remain at Juventus, yet I've been told that this can be a ploy to get his price up in the transfer window.

I refuse to believe the " Il Principino" will abandon Turin for Manchester, but I also didn't believe that Emanuele would leave Turin for Sunderland, so I guess my stomach will be in knots till the end of the transfer window because you can never trust the media nowadays! You could do a little thing to ease the anxiety...Get Claudio to sign a new contract, this wont stop him from leaving as we know that contracts have no significance anymore but you never know, he might actually honor his word and stay with his boyhood club!