Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Food for thought.

The horse meat scandal may have been just what was needed to wake everyone up and snap them out of this “zombie state” that they have been in for so long. People have somehow put food low down on their list of priorities when it should be their number one priority. Food is needed to fuel our bodies, and just like our cars, if we use a cheap substitute instead of the good stuff, it will run badly. Now why is it we’re willing to break the bank for our cars but not for our health?

The government is supposed to be looking out for its people, if they did their jobs to begin with and properly regulated and inspected the meat industry then it is less likely this would have happened, God only knows what they have been feeding us all these years, I mean what else has the meat industry been getting away with… rats?!!!

I’m just so glad that I’m a vegetarian. The way that they treat animals is just barbaric, they treat them like shit! People believe they are so much better than animals, but I don’t believe animals have been responsible for things like genocide, global warming and are so close to extinction but are still not doing anything to try and prevent it.

Animals have feelings, they mourn the loss of a child the same way we would, they get depressed like we do and have mood swings like we do, so maybe we’re not that different after all. One thing that animals are great at doing that we still have to master, is that the never over hunt, they know if they do they will starve and so they make sure that the prey is always flourishing.

Why do people think that horse meat has been found in our food?? Because  we are over consuming meat, and if you keep consuming at the rate that we are and not give them the time needed to replenish, we’ll be lucky if we don’t find bit’s of people in our meat!!

In the States they factory farm their meat and if anyone has seen Food Inc, they will know how inhumane this is. They treat animals like they treat their workforce, like slaves, that their only purpose in life is to be meat for us- it’s beyond arrogant!

And the truly disturbing thing is that kind of factory farming is coming over here and are going to infect parts of Europe!!  The horror!! How is this going to help? They are treating the symptoms and not they actual problem, the problem is that we consume too much and not to forget waste so much food, that perhaps we need a change in the way we think about food. 

People need to sort out their priorities, do they want cheap food and then enormous cost to their health, or are they will to go that extra mile for the good stuff. If everyone went for the good stuff it will put all these junk food place out of business and not make any financial sense for them to continues the way they are, because money and profit is all these companies care about, so if they can't make a profit then we don't have to deal with all the litter left behind! And least we forget about the environmental cost, where do you think they get the room for these massive slaughterhouses?? By chopping down the forests!!!

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