Memory is a funny thing, sometimes you forget the most basic piece of information but you remember something you did as a child. People often choose to remember certain things over another because of some kind of trauma or they simply choose to forget it. Society is guilty of the latter. People have forgotten that they had rights, rights that people before them fought and died for, and that we are just giving them away or simply letting them erode away.
A lot of that has to do with complacency; we have been lulled by all these distractions that we don’t even see that the most basic civil liberty has been sacrificed. As people we have forgotten that we have the right to assembly, freedom of speech and to a fair and balanced press. Now, people who go on any kind of march or show any dissent are made to regret it. Any person that does anything that upsets “ the powers that be” will be labelled as a trouble maker and at worse put in jail, whatever happens, you know their life will be ruined.
And the press, do I even have to say anything??? It is beyond pitiful! Every station I switch to they are showing fluff pieces, no journalistic integrity can be found, and they are extremely one sided. And no station has the nerve to look deeper into the issue and find the real reason, and you know why??? Because many of these news stations are run by private corporations, and if they dare to say anything that might upset the people upstairs, they will lose funding and be taken of the air.
In order to find a news station that actually provides good quality news you will have to be will to spend a lot of time looking for it, but because many people are at work all day they don’t want to make that effort, so they just are exposed to the sensationalised, one sided stories that are put out their just to get you all hot and bothered about something that is only half true.
By not having the complete picture and being exposed 24/7 to this “news” will only lead to tensions within their community, and that combined with poor education can quickly escalate to episodes of violence. People may have forgotten, but the tuition fee has been raised to £10,000 a year! And that’s just the starting rate. This is a huge deterrent for young people to go into higher education, because they will come out of university with this enormous debt and they will find it increasingly hard to find employment.
And as a result of poor education and constant exposure of sensationalised news, will equal a nation of idiots. Is that what we really want for future generations, for them to get dumber and dumber and not be able to have a good quality of life because they have not got the required skills or because they did not go to the “right” schools? And why didn’t they get into the right schools…Because they were born into poverty, and how did it get that way?? Because we let it, because we refused to fight for our rights!
Instead of placing the blame on the right people ( Bankers, the rich, the government) we have been tricked into blaming each other. Recently there has been a lot of blame put on immigrant workers; people are claiming that they’re stealing all our jobs. What a bunch of horse crap! The only reason why the work is there, is because you are too arrogant and lazy to do it yourself, did you really want to be an office cleaner or a maid? These people are doing the jobs that you won’t do, so why don’t you just count your blessings and aim a little higher!
The Economic collapse is due to the fraudulent behaviour of the banking sector, not due to the cleaners. Don’t people wonder why the banks are still allowed to do what they want? The government chooses to look the other way on their crimes but if the ordinary Joe steals a loaf of bread they will get 6 months in jail, and what will they say to justify this?? They will say that by stealing that loaf of bread, he/ she caused enormous damage to the business!! What about the banks, they’ve been stealing from everyone for years, what’s their punishment, oh yes, a bailout so they can continue with their thieving ways. Where’s my bailout?!!!! Have people forgotten that the bailout consisted of our taxes? People are so blind to how blatantly corrupt this country is but they are so eager to point out the flaws in other countries, it makes me sick to my stomach!
The government has let this go on because they believe the banking sector is more valuable than the people! how is this allowed? How did we let them forget about who really matters? We were and still are in such a state of denial, that we can’t see that the system that we have placed all our faith in has failed us! I urge the people to snap themselves out of this zombie state and take back control of their lives.
And just like bubblegum the flavour and any substance regarding the real issues will be gone within 2 minutes!
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