Why are we so afraid as a society to slow down and question what we're doing, people are so quick to make quips about how Europeans are fundamentally lazy and that's why they are bankrupt, but we work like dogs and are still suffering from austerity...so tell me, who's the real joke? Do we ever question the quality of life we have? NO, because everyone has been tricked into believing this is what life is about, yeah you work at a low paid irrelevant job, eat cheap crap food and then die. That sounds so great, I really want that- in case you didn't get it, I'm being sarcastic!! The rest Of Europe just understands that There's more to life.
You are working for what is basically scraps, it's not even remotely covering your living costs, while you have an elite few with villas in Monaco and their own private jets- do you not understand how wrong this is?!
You are not only working like dogs but you're probably eating the same as he is!! All these fast food outlets are just exploiting the fact that you're poor, do you think Cameron has ever had to eat a Mc Donalds- No because he has the money to get fresh food that come from a massive, not the meat that comes from cows that can barely walk because they've been made so fat that there bones cant support them! You know they do say, you are what you eat- and most of the people I see are so fat that I don't understand how their skeleton can support them.
Also what people don't understand is that we're not exactly doing labour intensive work that require us to eat all that fat to keep us going, you spend most of your time sitting on you arse and stuck in front of a computer.
People here don't know how to enjoy life, they believe that in order to have a good time you must get " wasted", what they don't understand is that they work all week and then blow all their wages in one weekend, all that is doing is insuring that they are always working and are never truly free to enjoy life.
I have a few suggestions for people who want to be free of the Matrix: Watch Food Inc, The Inside job and The Keiser Report.
To be continued... ( I'm sure I'll have plenty of material to reflect upon)
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