... My heart will always pine for the beauty of Italia, the magnificent buildings, the awe inspiring landscapes and the amazing food. Italy may be a poor country to some people, but in my eyes she should be considered the riches. Italia has a powerful past and a warm culture as well as having near perfect weather. Yes, I know there is corruption and people struggling to pay their bills, but it's not as if Italy is boasting about being the all powerful nation while their people are living of scraps i.e the U.S and "Great" Britain
The history is perfectly working in harmony with the here and now and the man made buildings work in sync with mother nature to create something beautiful that will last through all the ages. Just to name one of the most popular destination: Rome. Rome is one of the most populated city with over 2.7 million residents and a history that spans over two and a half thousand years, and most of it is still standing! The Roman Empire was once the dominate power in Western civilization, one could argue they still have power and influence us in the way we build shopping malls and other monuments, roads, literacy, military, gardening and not to forget the catholic church.
The natural landscape is a major factor for me, it has been proven that the more green an area the more relaxed and calm the people, this could be why many people in London are the rudest people in Europe!
Another reason is the distinct lack of fast food chains, Mc Donald's and Burger King have started to rear their ugly heads, but with huge disgust from the locals. Italy is famous for their fresh and delicious food, so as a response to this unnatural sugar laden food came the " Slow Food Movement" to make their stance known and to make sure that the sickening food of the fast food world doesn't infect everyone. I mean how busy has your lives become that you don't have time for a well balance nutritional meal? I mean there is a reason why people in the UK and the U.S are so fat, it's because of the Mc Donalds diet. And one thing that I find disturbing and you should aswell, every Mc Donalds meal anywhere tastes the same. Does no one see how unnatural this is?!
Italia is also known for the Renaissance art, particularly Florence. Renascence basically means "reawakening" it was a way of trying to get back to the glory of Ancient Rome. And who wouldn't want to bask in this beauty and become enlightened? And I answer: the British, they would rather piss in the streets and get drunk- nothing much has change for them as they still are like this, only now the whores don't charge for their services! Not to forget that Italy is also known for the Baroque, Classical and Romanesque styles that many cities today still try to replicate.
I first fell in love for everything Italy at age 10, the history was just so rich and people had so much pride in their country and for good reason, it's amazing! Another thing I noticed is how warm and accommodating the people are, I didn't speak Italian but they tried their best to help me, it's a refreshing change to the UK.
Italians have so much pride in the way they dress, act and in their culture, unlike here, where they work like dog's and then go on a drinking binge at the weekends, they have no culture. The Italians enjoy life and all her beauties, which in Italy is a lot!
I need to return soon, this place is suffocating me! ( I am just excercising free speech and this is just my opinion, afterall...we do live in a "Democracy")
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