Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The glory of Rome..

Rome is a city of immense history and beauty, now it is know for it's many famous tourist attraction but a person interested in the history and what the Roman Empire achieved... it is awe inspiring. Rome had and still does, have a profound impact on language, philosophy, architecture, religion and law. The Roman Empire included the like of England/ Wales, Spain, Greece, France, The Middle East and the North African Coastal region. The Roman world was so huge and has giving us so much that it will be hard to mention everything. The Romans made lavish palaces for their emperors, but the common people were never forgotten- to begin with, eventually they did lose their touch with the people hence, The Fall of the Empire , the actual Roman people always had bread, water and not to mention entertainment in the large amphitheatre's. The Government was wise back then, they knew as long as you give the public "bread and circus" they will be happy because there were an awful lot of Roman citizens then politicians and if they were unhappy the can reek havoc, unlike now, where people are being screwed over by their Government but are doing nothing!

Rome engineering was something out of this world, it was simple genius- not to mention most of it is still around in some form or another today. We live in a disposable time, many of the buildings around today wont last 500 years, most of them will not even last a year! And just think the Ancient Romans didn't have the technology and equipment we have now,and their buildings are still standing.

To be continued....

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