..... I just read the most audacious rumour.... Krasic offloaded for Adebeyor. This is outrageous, why in the Love of everything holy, would they do this? Krasic is by far one of their talented players, he's young, pacy and more than anything else.. he wanted to go to Juve which show desire and hunger to prove himself. On the other hand Emmanuel is a stroppy player and a bit of a diva- if they're thinking of getting him, why not just get Cassano- they're both ticking timebombs that would do more damage than good!
Krasic admitted earlier that he rejected a call from Man City, showing that he has integrity and is not just in it for the money, because lets face it, City have been throwing away money like anything! Why o Why would Juve get rid off him, after getting rid off Diego to get him and now they're going to get rid off him. I'm afraid the "masterminds" at Juve are thinking about short time results instead of long term durability.. and that is a frightening thought.
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