A good take on a pretty sensitive matter, the search for the supposed WMD's. Matt Damon was great as sgt Miller, he showed the human side to the military but didn't over do it or make it feel too cheesy (like The Kingdom). I like the way Greengrass used shaky cam's to make you feel in the middle of shootouts, it gave a sense of urgency to the scene which was great. The one scene that got me is when Damon's character went to the American HQ and you saw a stark contrast, he had just come from the war torn desert while the Americans were enjoying bears and sitting by the pool. Just further points to the decadence of the Western world... while people are rioting for not having enough water, they have an abundance of water which they decide to swim in!!! but you have to question how much of the film is accurate and how much of it was the writers being creative.
I like how in the end"Freddy" says what everyone else should be thinking. He tells Damon's character it is not up to him what happens in HIS country.
This film may be a bit light on the political side but Greengrass is not stupid and he knows that for a film to have any success, you have to have set pieces in it. Worth a watch- 4 out of 5!
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